Chapter 9

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I'm currently 23 weeks today and I have a doctor's appointment today for my six month check up and Dave is suppose to be picking me up.

So I went in the bathroom and did my usual hygiene then after that I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.

Then I went in my room and slipped on a pair of panties and bra then I lotioned up my body especially my protruding stomach.

Then I slipped on a pair of leggings and a top that can fit me with my growing stomach.

After getting dressed I fixed my hair into a ponytail then I did a simple makeup look.

I grabbed my purse making sure I had everything in my bag and I went downstairs to the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water and a bag of chips.

I went in the living room and sat down and eat my snacks while waiting for Dave to come.

Dave finally pulled up so I got out the house with my purse on my shoulder and I walked to his car and got inside.

" Good morning baby ready to find out what we are having " he said.

" Good morning baby and yes I'm sure we are having a baby girl " I said .

" You sure you ain't having my son baby because it's a boy" he said.

" Whatever you say but if the doctor say it's a girl you owe me something babe " I said cause I know fot sure I'm pregnant with a girl.

" Ok babe but I know for sure we are having a boy babe " he said.

We continued driving until he finally pulled up to the doctor's office parking his car in the parking spot.

He got our first then he gogged around to my side and helped me out the car then he locked the door.

We walked inside the office hand in hand then I signed in and sat down in the waiting room there were a lot of woman pregnant some were teenagers , some were middle age women and some were young adults like me.

" Katrina Mitchell " said the nurse so we got up and followed her in the back she took my weight and she took my blood and blood pressure.

Then she told us that the doctor will be with us shortly and left.

" I know I gain some pounds because I have been eating a lot lately baby girl be making me hungry asf " I said.

" Good morning Katrina and Dave how are you two doing " said my doctor.

" I'm good Doc I'm just happy to find out the gender today " said Dave.

" Ok so Katrina you did gain a few pounds nothing major and your blood test results was ok nothing bad and your pressure is good so don't stress yourself out " she said.

" Ok Doc I won't " I said as I lift my shirt up to prepare for the ultrasound that's about to happen.

" Ok so this gel is going to be cold like always you know the drill " she said as she placed Some on my stomach.

" Ok that is cold doc but I got use to it as usual " I said.

" Your baby girl is very healthy and as you can see that she is growing and she is very healthy " she said wait did she say she all that time.

" Oh my goodness babe we are having a baby girl I am so happy oh my goodness " I said.

" I didn't think you two what catch on to the fact that you are having a healthy baby girl congratulations Dave and Katrina " she said as she wiped the gel off my stomach.

" Thank you doc and I need another prescription for my prenatal vitamins " I said.

" Ok I will write one up for you and also I will print the photos for you you xan get it from the receptionist " she said.

" Ok doc thanks a lot and when I do contract can I give birth naturally " I said.

" Your welcome and it depends and I will see you when you reach 35 weeks Katrina " she said.

" Ok thanks doc see you until next time 'I said as I walk out to rhe receptionist and got everything I needed.

We were able to go to the pharmacy and I got my prenatal gummy vitamins and then we dropped me home.

We ate and then we went to my room and laid down taking a nap what yall I'm pregnant so I'm gone be sleepy anyhow.


It's a girl yall she having a baby girl

I'm sorry if some of yall were team boy but it's a girl

Her name will be revealed when she is born.

Dave owes Katrina big time yall

He was team boy

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