Chapter 12

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10 weeks later

I was now 9 months pregnant and baby girl can come any moment now my hospital bags has been packed from we had the baby shower.

Today I'm in baby girl nursery folding up and putting up the rest of her clothes  and shoes.

After I was done  with her clothes I walked out her nursery and went in my room to take a shower.

The nursery for the baby in her house and Dave house

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The nursery for the baby in her house and Dave house

I took a quick shower and all of a sudden I started to feel some contractions I know it only could be the Braxton hicks so I just allowed the pain to subdue.

I  while I continued to shower a gush of water drained down my leg I knew that it was time for baby girl to come.

I continued bathing then I got out of the shower wrapping the towel around my body I got out the shower slowly and I went in my room and changed into something comfortable.

The first contraction hit me and it hurt like a bitch it is worst then them damn period cramps now I see what women be going through when they giving birth.

" Kahlani come here my water broke in the shower " I said as  another contraction hit me it was so irritating.

" Sis what happened is the baby coming  now or what " said Kahlani.

" She coming now I need you to put her carrier in the back of my range rover and carry the hospital bag and put it in the car.

"  Dave I need you  to meet me at the hospital my water broke and my sister and I are on the way to the hospital " I said on the phone.

" Ok baby I will meet you there babe ok and call your doctor " said Dave over the phone.

I hung up from him and I called my dad and my doctor my dad said he will meet us at the hospital and my doctor is at the hospital already.

My sister helped me into my range rover and she started driving I know Dave called his mom and dad along with his brother.


At the hospital

I was checked in my hospital room it was a private room they had me in and my hospital bag was there with my stuff and the baby stuff.

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