Chapter 3

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So I'm finalizing everything for East birthday bash which is tomorrow just two weeks ago he was coming to me about planning his birthday.

I told the bartender to have bottles go  up in Dave's section and the securities I hired I met them yesterday I told them if  a hoe come in the vip throw they ass out.

Especially these hoes who after East he taken already that's right he mines eventhough its not official yet he hasn't asked me but he sure did say I belong to him.

So I'm at the office right now making sure I get moneybagyo to perform I got Chris Brown already,  and  I got Bryson Tiller and Rihanna to perform for his birthday.

Once I got in contact with moneybagyo manager they told me he was book out already so I decided not to worry I got some other performers for tomorrow.

Tomorrow was all white and I was so excited not because I was doing his birthday bash but also because tomorrow me and the girls get to turn up .

We had a long week I planned like six birthday parties and I set it up and then I did eight wedding reception and two quinceanera parties as well.

Don't worry I got paid good for all of them next week I fly out to California to do some events there.

Once I had everything for tomorrow I got out my office locking up i went downstairs and I told the receptionist that she can go early since no one else was here so after she left i locked up the entire building.

I got in my bmw and went straight home because I needed to relax for tomorrow because tomorrow I'm going to get my nails do tomorrow for his birthday I'm thinking of doing a different hair color.


I pulled up in my driveway and got my purse I locked my doors as I got out and I unlocked my front door.

Once I got inside I went straight to my master bedroom I rest my purse on my night stand I stripped out my clothes and went in my walk in bathroom.

I took a nice relaxing bath and it felt so damn good I just was soaking away in the tub.

I took a nice relaxing bath and it felt so damn good I just was soaking away in the tub

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Her master bedroom

After soaking for so long I took a shower to rinse off then I wrapped my towel around me and went in my room.

I went in my draw and got a sports bra and a thong out slipping them on my now dry body.

I placed my towel in my hamper and went downstairs I got the leftovers I had from yesterday and warmed it up.

Once it heated I went and sat down and ate it with some leftover brownie I had made yesterday.

After eating I cleaned my  mess up and cleaned the kitchen up a bit then I went back upstairs to my room.

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