Chapter 13

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"Estelle!" Hange called out as she ran and walked beside her. Estelle just continued walked and stopped, turning her head and glaring at Hange. "Ah-"

She actually looks much more terrifying than Levi... How can that be??

"Hey, what's the matter? What did you mean by that?" Hange asked worriedly. Estelle turned away and sighed in exhaustion.

"I've met Petra before." Estelle started, not looking at Hange.

"Huh? When?" Hange asked.

The sign turned from a red hand to a green person walking. Estelle turned forward and crossed the sidewalk with Hange following beside her.

Estelle didn't speak till she stopped at a cafe. This cafe in particular wasn't very popular. The place had amazing drinks, but there were very few people that came in. So Estelle decided to speak with her here since her apartment is far.

Estelle and Hange entered, taking a seat across from each other at a booth and ordered a cup of light coffee and Hange ordering a caramel latte. Hange turned and faced Estelle.

"When did you meet her and what did you mean by that?" Hange asked in a serious tone.

"I used to be a forced prostitute. I won't go into details, but during the afternoon I met Petra and slept with her that night. In the morning she told me what she worked as. Someone who dated multiple people and broke their hearts in the cruelest way possible. The more heartbroken the man was, the more she would get paid." Estelle explained, staring at her palms that laid on the table.

"So. She's dating someone while being with Levi...?" Hange asked with her eyes slightly widened. She finally understood why Petra acted the way she did most times when around Levi. Petra never had feelings for Levi, she just tried getting him more in love with her so it can hurt badly when she leaves him.

"Yeah. A fucking cheater..." Estelle muttered as she clenched her fist closed.

The waitress came over and handed them their drink as Hange thanked the lady. "...Why didn't you tell Levi when you first met them both?" Hange asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"I didn't recognize Petra. I felt like I've met her before, but I didn't know where. That is until I saw this dress that I wore that exact night. Hange. How long has he been dating her for?" Estelle asked, lifting her head up and staring at her.

"Almost a year now. They met last January and she won his heart in April. She somehow learned everything about his love interest." Hange explained in a sad tone.

Estelle let out another exhausted sigh and looked away. "Levi's a sensitive person. He might not show it, but he the most sensitive person I've ever met. That's why I reacted the way I did. I realized that if he found out any later, it would shatter him to pieces. Now I think it's too late for that..." Estelle explained as she looked at her drink and took a sip, so she wouldn't burn her tongue.

"I see. I've known Levi for over 3 years and I know that people misunderstand him." Hange says as she slightly smiles.

"How. Was he when I was gone...?" Estelle asked, not looking at Hange, as she felt her face warm up.

She like him, that's for sure. They would make a cute couple!

"He talked about you a lot. He always looked sad whenever he did. Seems he really missed you. He was in a dark place a month after I met him. He had two other friends that were like family to him. They died..." Hange said as she drank some of her latte.

Estelle raised her head and looked slightly surprised. "He met other people? That's great! What were their names?" Estelle asked, slightly leaning over and had a wide smile on her face. Hange laughed, which confused Estelle.

"You look exactly like a puppy. Hah. Their names were Isabel and Farlan. Isabel saw Levi as an older brother and well seems Farlan saw him as a best friend. They also made him happy." Hange told Estelle. Estelle say back and stared in surprise.

She lowered her head and softly smiled. "I'm glad. I'm glad he wasn't completely alone. So. How did they die...?" Estelle asked with her voice fading at the end.

"...They were murdered after a night of drinking. Levi had left his phone at the bar and during his few minutes of being gone, the two were dragged into an alley and killed. They weren't sober enough to fight back." Hange explained sadly, remembering seeing the scene the day after on Tv. Hange, Erwin, and Mike went their separate ways from the other trio.

After that, they both stayed silent for a while. It was slightly awkward, but neither of them knew what to say after that.

After a few minutes, Estelle stood and took her wallet out of her bag. She paid for the drink and left a tip. "Sorry. I have to go visit my cousin. If Levi asks, please explain to him. I'll see you later Hange." Estelle waves bye to Hange and walked off.

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