Chapter 25

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"LEVI!" Levi flinched almost dropping the cooking utensil, as he turned towards the door. There stood Estelle, her white, long-sleeve, buttoned white shirt, beige long skirt, face, and hands stained in blood, holding a black furred cat in her right arm, her left held the door opened.

"Was that necessary? And why the hell are you covered in blood?"Levi scowled as he glared at her. His heart skipped a beat when he heard her shout so loud and saw her covered in blood.

"Sorry, but I found this cat." She said happily as she held the cat out, with both hands.

"That doesn't explain why you're covered in blood." Levi placed the cooking utensil down as he crossed his arms and faced her.

"A few men threw rocks at the cat, acting like children, so I beat them up." Estelle explained with a closed-eyed smile, but her words were covered in disgust and rage.

"A few?" Levi questioned, suspicious.

"Yep!" She closed the door and took her shoes off beside the door. He continued staring at her suspicious, not believing it was just a few.

She just stared at him with a smile, not spilling a word. "Tch. Fine. I'll believe you." Levi clicked his tongue as he gave up, returning to the stove and checking on the stew.

Estelle sneaked psst him and entered the bathroom. If Levi found out she was about to wash the cat, in their own bathroom, he sure as hell would kick the cat out not caring about the what Estelle would say afterwards.

She locked the bathroom door, turning the bath on to warm, and to her surprise the cat didn't resist when put into the bathtub. She washed the black-furred cat, not finding a scar or scratch anywhere.


She questioned in her head as she continued washing the cat. She didn't have any shampoo for animals, buuut... she does have her own...

Aside from her, Levi served the stew he just finished into bowls for him and Estelle. What crossed his mind is the cat she showed him.

He started questioning what happened to the cat. He was too distracted on the blood that stained her clothes, slightly worried if she'd gotten hurt or not, but didn't show it.

The bathroom door opened and Estelle pokes her head out. Levi started at her with a brow raised as she met his gaze. "What are you hiding shitty idiot?" He asked, glaring at her.

"Do- Do you like cats?" She asked nervously.

"Course' not. They shed everywhere, they bathe themselves with their own tongues, throwing up hair balls afterwards, shit and piss anywhere and leave scars on you for getting too close." Levi explained blankly not thinking about why she would ask that.

Meanwhile Estelle looked at him, the cat, then back at him. "Noo... He's different." She muttered.

"Huh?" Levi turned his head, not hearing what she said clearly.

"We're keeping it!" She shouted angrily as she ran into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Levi stared at her door in annoyance and confusion. Then he turned back to the bathroom door as he watched a small figure walk out the bathroom.

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