Chapter 28

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"I really am sorry..." Petra apologized.

"I'm sorry. I won't ever like you." Arnost confessed.

"I hope you're happy..." Eren smiled sadly.

"You've grown so much!" Carla smiled, along with Grisha.

"I still don't like you." Mikasa glared.

"What?! You two are together?!" Jean questioned in shock with Historia, Ymir, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Conny, Sasha, Marco, and Armin beside him.

"So you replacing me in my job?!" Amara dramatically gasped.

"I want Levi babies!" Hange shouted.

"Congratulations." Oluo, Eld, and Gunther congratulated.

"Hope your future kids won't be too much of a trouble." Erwin chuckled.

"Mhm." Mike smiled.

"I do." Levi didn't hesitate.

"Little shit!" Levi chased after Jacob, all around the house with a shirt in his hand.

"Ooo! Dads cursing in front of Jacob! Mooom!" Elena shouted.

"The brats going to curse as he grows, what's the point, afterward?" Levi finally put on Jacobs's shirt, letting him go.

"Levi, where's my phone?" Estelle asked, walking out her bedroom.

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"Tch." Levi tossed his phone back at her, as she easily caught it.

"Why'd you have my phone?" Estelle asked suspiciously.

"Making sure you weren't cheating on me," Levi answered bluntly, slipping his shoes on.

"Dad doesn't trust mom! Gasp! I'll let you two deal with it, while Jacob and I wait in the car." Elena picked up Jacob and walked out of the house.

"Do we really need to go and meet everyone? I don't wanna deal with shitty-glasses." Levi groaned in annoyance.

"Please, I know you miss her. You miss everyone!" Estelle smiled, slipping her own shoes on.

Levi just scoffed and walked out of the house, Estelle walking out, and locking the door behind her.

They entered the car with Elena and Jacob already buckled up. Levi drove to Hange's house, or more-or-so mansion, parking tab the front where other cars were parked.

"AHHH! ESTELLE!" Hange shouted in excitement, as Estelle and the rest of her family stepped out of the car.

Hange ran towards Estelle with her arms wide open, ready to give her a bone-crushing hug, but Estelle pulled Elena in front of her, reviving the hug instead.

"Oi! Get the hell off me, four-eyes! You stink!" Elena gave Hange a disgusted look, pushing her off.

"I do?" Hange let go of Elena, then became smelling herself. "Oh, I do!" Hange gasped dramatically. "No matter! I'll shower later!" She lied, pulling Elena inside with Estelle, Levi, and Jacob following behind.

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