Chapter 23

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"Levi! Levi!" Estelle called out as she bursted inside the house, catching her breath afterwards.

"Tch. Quit being so loud, idiot." Levi groaned as he walked out his bedroom.

"Sorry! But come outside!" She continued shouting excitedly, running towards Levi, grabbing his wrist and dragging him outside and towards a nearby alley.

She stopped instantly as soon as they entered the alley, causing Levi to bump into her. "Now what?" He groaned once more, loosing patience.

She let go of his wrist and slowly walked towards something. "It's so beautiful." She said in such a soft tone, kneeling down to something.

"What?" Levi questioned as he walked towards her and looked over her shoulder. There stood, a fully bloomed, blue bellflower.

He couldn't believe his eyes. It was rare when a flower fully bloomed in the underground due to the lack of sunlight. It didn't even rain in the underground, besides even if you did water plants, they still wouldn't grow without sunlight.

"Can we take it home, Levi?" She begged, looking up at him with a wide smile, her eyes showing joy. She really was happy at that exact moment.

Levi would've said no, not wanting to deal with a flower that would die soon enough no matter how hard she cared for it, then not wanting to deal with the mess the flower would create. But he made an exception just for her.

"Fine." He sighed. Her eyes lit up as she repeatedly thanked him. "But if it starts wilting, I want it out." He stated clearly, She nodded and started digging into the dirt, careful as to not snap the roots.

Levi cringed at her action of removing the flower with her bare hands. Once she fully removed the flower from the ground she quickly stood and ran back inside, ignoring the mess of dirt she created behind her.

"Oi, you're making a mess you idiot!" Levi yelled as he ran inside just as she placed the flower on the table. He started regretting, letting her bring the flower inside after he saw the trail of dirt she left in her tracks.

"Don't worry I'll clean it!" She waved him off as she grabbed an empty pot that Estelle bought a few days back for no actual reason, but now she had a reason.

She placed the flower inside the pot, rested her hands on her hips as she looked satisfied at the finishing results.

"You really are an idiot." Levi clicked his tongue as he took out two gloves that he had stored in a drawer.

He walked over to the flower, picking the pot up and walked out. "Huh?? Where are you going?" She questioned as she followed behind.

"It needs enough dirt to fill the pot." He explained.

"Oh! I found a random shovel nearby, we can use it to scoop up some dirt!" She remembered.

"You just keep on finding random things." He mumbled. She didn't hear him as she ran off, coming back after a few seconds with a rusty shovel. "Disgusting." He muttered, staring at the shovel in disgust.

"Relax prince. I'll do the dirty work." She joked as she scooped up some dirt, making a small pile. Levi lifted the flower from the pot as Estelle placed dirt in the pot. He placed the flower back in and covered the roots with the dirt, now the pot was filled with dirt and the only thing visible on the top was the flower.

"Not bad." Levi muttered.

"Yeah!" Estelle smiled.

"Now it just needs water and sunlight." He reminded her.

"Not a problem!" She announced as she grabbed the pot, running back inside.

Levi raised a brow as he walked inside and stared at Estelle confused. She fed the flower water and ran to her bedroom.

"There's a hole in the roof of the underground and thankfully it shines through my window." Estelle explained as she placed the pot on the windshield.

"So you have everything planned out for this flower." He stated as well as asked. Estelle nodded in response as she stared at the flower.

They both stared at the flower for a few seconds, Levi enjoying the silence and admired the flower. While Estelle's mind wandered somewhere else that included the flower and Levi.

"Levi." She started. Levi hummed in response and looked over at her. She had a small sad smile on her face as she continued to stare at the flower.

"If I'm ever lost or in danger, look for a familiar flower like this one." She turned her head, staring at Levi with the same sad small smile.

"Huh?" He questioned, not getting why she would say that. She didn't know either. It just came out of her mouth after she imagined the flower wilting and Levi crying.

"If you see a single blue bellflower, follow wherever the flower is flowing. Despite them growing in groups. If it wilts, I'm gone from this world." She said as she looked back at the flower.

Levi started at her wide-eyed. Why the hell would she ever say something like that? Where did this even come from? But Levi just played along, not understanding at all.

"What if it's just the wind. It's not like it'll just flow the opposite direction of the wind just to direct your location." Levi asked, curious as to how she'll answer.

"It will. Even if it's there's wind or if there's no wind at all. It'll flow to wherever I am." She continued to smile.

"Whatever." He sighed as he walked out her room.

~~~~~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~~~~~

That was years ago. When Estelle was only 10 and Levi was 13. He never believed that, that would be possible. But right now he truly believed, he put his trust in her words, hoping he would find her.

He ran towards whatever direction the flower pointed to, looking around for more bellflowers or for a place where she could be. Eren following behind completely confused.

Finally. He noticed a huge abandoned barn that just sat there, hidden behind some trees and veins growing on the side of it.

When he walked closer, he noticed a field of blue bellflowers and a small path. He noticed that some were crushed, meaning there were definitely people here.

"Aren't these the flowers you've been following?" Eren questioned, in awe at the sight. They've been following the flowers for hours. It was getting late, quick.

"Don't step on them." Levi said sharply as he walked towards the barn. It was closed off with a rusty lock that was ready to basically disintegrate.

He kicked the old rusty lock, making it snap opened as it fell to the ground. Levi opened the heavy rust door and when he saw what was behind the door.

He really did want to cry.

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