Chapter 24

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"Haah... D-Disgusting..." Estelle panted as she cringed from the past feeling of the random men's hands on her and the semen they left behind all over her body.

She was completely sweaty, sticky, bruised, and scratched up. Her hair all messy and the blindfold threatening to slip. Luckily she still wore her undergarments, but she still felt disgusted that that's all she had on.

The 5 men had left a few minutes earlier. She didn't know how long they played with her, but she for sure knew it was over an hour. They cut, punched, or scratched her whenever she struggled. Of course, they only bruised up her body, arms, and legs but not her face. The only injure she had on her face was the slap she got from Petra.

She had dried tears that stained her cheeks and she tried calming her breathing. "Shit... When am I- getting out of here?" She mumbled to herself. She really could easily break out of the cuffs, but once again she couldn't.

Whenever it came to being tied or cuffed, she became weak. She was also exhausted from struggling all afternoon.

"Levi..." She muttered. "Hah... What would he say to- seeing me like this?" She weakly laughed. Her laughs turning to sobs.

She sobbed and sobbed, not being able to stop. Not being able to wipe her tears away. Not being able to escape. Not being able to do a single thing, but cry and struggle when those men touched her.

She was weak. She was exposed to anyone who could enter the large barn and see her dirtied with blood, semen, and sweat.

"Right... He'd cringe. Heh, such a short- clean freak." It was getting harder to calm her breathing as her body filled with anxiety. The only thing she could think of is Levi and how much of a clean freak he was.


"Oi. What do you think you're doing?" Levi scoffed as he stared at Estelle trying to fold her blanket, but failing miserably.

"Give it." He demanded.

"No, wait! I got it!" She persisted. After a few minutes of her trying, but failing over and over, Levi had enough.

He snatched the blanket and folded it with ease, placing it in the basket. "I was super close!" Estelle said trying to convince herself that she really was.

"You were just dirtying it more." Levi clicked his tongue as he picked the basket up and walked back home with Estelle following not too far behind.

She was still quite stubborn for a 12-year-old. Levi really did try to show her how to clean up to his standards. She wasn't too bad whenever it came to wiping things down or sweeping. But when it came to laundry, she wasn't too good at it.

"Take off your shoes before you enter. Don't want you tracking the floor with dirt like last time." He reminded her.

"Yeah yeah, Mr. Clean." She mumbled as she removed her shoes at the doorstep.

"What?" Levi furrowed his brows and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Nothing~" She sang, giving him a smug smile.

He simply clicked his tongue and threw her blankets onto her bed. "I won't be helping you with cleaning now. If you don't clean up to my standards, you'll re-do it again and again till I'm satisfied." Levi said sharply, catching Estelle off guard.

"What?! No, wait, I'm sorry!" She whined.

Levi just ignored her as he started making his bed. But that didn't stop Estelle. She climbed on top of his bed and stood there with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.

"Disgusting..." Levi muttered darkly as he stared at her feet that faintly stained his mattress.


~~~~~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~~~~~


She understands him.


Better than anyone else.

I love-

He always opened up to her. He always protected her. He cared for her. So does this mean he has feelings for her?

"There's no way in hell. That's I'm Levi's host."


The heavy, rusty metal door banged as if the lock had been broken.

Does that mean, he only cared for me and protected me because of it?

The door slowly slid open.

What a fool I am to think he shared the same feelings.

There stood Levi at the doorway, his eyes widened at the sight.

It's because of that whole Ackerbond.

She became dizzy as she started losing consciousness. Before she did she heard someone faintly shout her name, then quick footsteps.

Isn't it?

([A/N] Wow. Cringe. Honestly I didn't know what the write after that flashback so, sorry that- that whole thing escalated so quickly.)

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