Chapter 14

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It's Over/What Can Go Wrong

I watched as Estelle walked away with Hange chasing after her. Once they were out of sight, I glanced down at Petra. She was petrified.

"...Petra." Petra snapped out of her state and turned, looking up at me.

"Babe! Please it's not what you think! She was just upset I didn't like your gift. I'm sorry! I really do like it, just disappointed, that's all!" Petra said, standing up and grabbing my hand.

I pulled my hand away immediately and glared at her. "I knew something about you want right." I glanced behind her and saw Erwin, Eld, Gunther and Oluo glaring at Petra.

"What?" Petra questioned as she turned and stared at Erwin. They were all definitely pissed.

"How many people are you sleeping with?" Erwin asked, walking up to her. He towered over her and glared at her with his bushy brows furrowed.

"Erwin... Trust me— I haven't slept with anyone." Petra said nervously looking up at him.

"Shut the fuck up." I said coldly. She flinched and turned, facing me.
"I'm done with you. I want you moving out today." I said as I glared at her.

"W-What? C'mon Le-"

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She shut her mouth and jolted. She turned her head away and stared at the ground.

"I- I'm. Sorry." That's the last thing she said, as she gave me the white small box and walked past me.


Erwins P.O.V.

I watched as Petra walked away with her head down. She definitely pissed us off. Who knew how many men she had slept with while dating Levi and there's no way Estelle was lying.

She doesn't look like the type to joke around when it comes to things like that.

"Levi are you-" I looked over at Levi and stop my sentence mid-way. He had his head down, his fist were balled up and he seemed to be shaking.

"Levi? Hey, man... Forget about that chick, she-" Eld walked up to him and raised his hand, but his hand was smacked away by Levi. Levi just walked off and I knew to leave him be.

That mans been through a lot...

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

3rd P.O.V.

Estelle knocked on her cousins door and waited. While she did she heard a panicked scream, someone sobbing like a child, dishes falling to the ground and a muffled scolding.

What the hell is happening, inside...?

Estelle thought awkwardly as she stared at the door. After a few seconds the door was slammed opened to reveal a dirty blonde haired woman who had pink frosting stains on her shirt and her hair was a mess. Also a few scratches on her face.

"Ah! You came! Get inside!" Amara said happily as she pulled Estelle inside in a heartbeat, closing the door behind them.

"What the hell was that all about-?" She questioned as she turned and looked at the place.

The kitchen was in shambles. There's a cupcake tray upside down on the floor with frosting splattered near it, different ingredients to make cupcakes on the counter, the sink filled with dirty trays and a black furred cat on the counter with its tail slightly wagging around.

"...This explains all those noises I heard." Estelle mutters awkwardly.

"I was baking cupcakes for students who got an answer right yesterday. But seems my cat had other plans..." Amara said tiredly as she stared at her cat.

"He's quite the trouble maker." Estelle said as she walked towards the cat.

"And he hates me... Why does he like you, but despise me?!" Amara whines as she walked to the kitchen.

Estelle stopped in front of it and stared at it, as the cat stared back. "What the hell?! You made a mess, raven! Don't ever do this again! Got that?" Estelle scolded him. The cat sat and lowered its head, it's tails curling around itself.

"You talk to him as if he understands." Amara said as she sighed in exhaustion and started picking up the mess.

"He does." Estelle simply answered as she helped pick up.

After they finished Estelle finally asked. "So, why's your call me over?" She asked, as she sat on the couch with Amara's cat on Estelle's lap.

"I'll be visiting someone overseas. I'll be gone for a week and I was wondering if you could fill in for me at school. Also can you watch over my cat?" Amara answer as she leaned forward and grabbed a snack that was laying on the coffee table.

"...Why me?" Estelle asked slightly annoyed.

"Oh c'mon! My students loves you! They wouldn't shut up about you when I came back. They even gave me 'advice' when it came to teaching. Waa!" Amara explains as she fake sobbed like a child.

"Alright, alright." Estelle sighed. Amara's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

"OHMYGOSHTHANKYPUSOMUCHI'LLPAYYOUFORTHISTHANKYOUTHANKYPUTHANKYOUUUUU!!!!" Amara shook Estelle back and fourth scaring the fuck outta the cat.

"Ho-ly! Fuck!- Let gooo!" Estelle shouted.

Amara finally let her go and slouched on the couch. "Though. Didn't you say you don't know a thing about history?" Amara asked.

"I've been learning, but I won't be doing much. I'll just be substituting while you're gone." Estelle said as she got up and turned her head to Amara.

"What can go wrong?"

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