Chapter 27

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Dead? Alive?

"Tch. Bastard grazed me." Levi gritted his teeth as he bandages his scar on his right upper arm.

"They really like getting under our skin, don't they?" I commented with an annoyed smile, poking my head out from our hiding spot.

"And they've got all their men. We don't have any other choice, but to kill them all." Levi said, reloading his gun.

"Do we even have a plan?" I glanced at Levi, raising a brow and giving him a mistrust frown.

"Yeah. We kill them and their boss." He answered, carrying a second gun and knife in his utility belt.

"What an amazing plan, " I say sarcastically. "I'll take out left flank and you take out the right." I slowly slide my blade knife out of my own utility belt.

"No." I feel Levi gripping my wrist, making me turn my head and stare confused. "I'm not letting you get involved any further."

"What? So I'm just going to stay in this alley, while you fight all of those guys?" I questioned, giving him an annoyed look.

"Yes. I don't want you dying on me." He stared at me with worried eyes. I sighed and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Please. I can't die till I marry you, Levi." This caused a faint blush on his cheeks.  And before he knew it, I ran out and started killing the men.

"Estelle!" I heard Levi shout for me. I ignored his call, continuing to dodge most of the shots sent to me, stabbing and slicing the men to death, one by one.

Soon enough I noticed Levi killing the men on the right flank. I smirked and continued, getting grazed and shot by bullets. Some even had the balls to try and attack up close.

"Where the hell is the boss? Perhaps too much of a coward to even show his face."

I kept looking around, finally seeing their boss. But he didn't even waste his time on my existence. Instead, he stared at Levi, pulling out a gun and aiming it towards him.

Levi continued killing the men, slightly struggling, but not giving up. Though I could tell he isn't aware of the boss's presence.

"Shit. He's gonna kill him. Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I cursed, starting to run towards Levi, I won't be able to get to the boss in time, but I'll be able to at least push Levi away. And I can tell for sure the man only has one bullet in his gun.

I felt someone slash my back, causing me to fall to the ground. "Trying to protect your little boyfriend, aye?" I grit my teeth, turning and staring upwards, from the corner of my eye.

"You've got a pair, to attack from close-range," I grunt, giving him a pissed smirk.

"I'm not like those other guys. I like a challenge." The man licks his lips. I noticed his eyes scan my body and my eyes widened, staring at him in disgust.

"You sickos make me puke." I frown, feeling my scar become numb. I slit the man's throat in a flash, seeing him fall to the floor, pressing pressure on his neck, and trying to stop the blood from gushing out, but no use.

I turn back and see Levi bent down in place, hiding in an alley, catching his breath. I look back at the boss and his lips curve up into a smirk, as he stands in the perfect spot.

My eyes widened, running as fast as my tired legs can take me.

I push Levi away.

Turning and facing the boss.

Before I can take my gun out.

He had already shot.

My heart? Near my heart?


A voice echos. I felt my body fall to the ground. Feeling my vision become blurry.

"Am I dying?"

"Hey! Hey, get the hell up, shitty idiot!" A muffled voice shouts as I see a blurry person in front of me.

"Levi?" I question, raising my right hand.

"I'm here." I felt my hand on his cheek, with his own over mine.

"Hah, fuck... That was pretty stupid... I- still had a bullet left." I weakly chuckle but cut myself off, feeling my injures finally hit me like a truck, making me groan in pain.

"Hey, hey! Just hold on for a few more minutes, so we can retreat back." His voice continued to echo.

"I'm sorry... Guess I won't be able to marry you..." I give him a weak smile.

"Idiot...! We aren't even dating." He reminds me.

"Yeah. I know." It becomes harder to breathe. "Hey, Levi."

"Don't blame yourself- kay...? Don't regret anything— from her on out. Live. Live without regrets..." I give him a faint closed-eyed smile, feeling tears run down my cold, blood-stained cheeks.

His voice becomes muffled, I can't hear anything.

"Am I-

~~~~~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~~~~~


I flutter my eyes open, being met with a faint shine from the sun going through my curtains. My right-hand rests in front of me, and I just stare at it.

Soon enough I realize my cheeks feel dry. Stained? I gently touch my cheek and feel a faint wet tear on my cheek.

Tears. Hah, no shit.

I sit up, hissing in pain. I raise my shirt and see bandages wrapped around my body.

Oh yeah. Still injured.

I groan in annoyance. I hear faint footsteps coming closer, and I just stare at my closed bedroom door. It opened to reveal a messy, raven/haired man, in a white, collar sleeved shirt, and grey jeans.

"Estelle. Finally got your shitty beauty rest?" Levi asked, with a brow raised.

I chuckled at his choice of words. "Yeah," I give him a soft look and smile.

Nope. I'm alive. Hurt, but alive. And herewith Levi.

My future lover.

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