Chapter 20

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Merinthophobia. The fear of being bound or tied up.


An abandoned alley.

My mother lying dead in her own puddle of blood. My mother's once brown neatly bun-braided hair, now untidy and filthy, her hair covering her dead blue eyes.

Her cotton short, white, puffy dress, dirtied, and stained. Her body bruised and scarred. Her feet bare and bruised from running on the concrete floor. Her wrists and ankles bruised from being tightly tied.

My father. Nowhere to be seen. Perhaps killed earlier before me and my mother ran away.

What the hell happened? Why were we being targeted by random men? Why did they kill my parents? What...

"What are they going to do to me..?"

I was tightly tied by my wrist and ankles. I couldn't move. Why wasn't I fighting back? Why am I just sitting here? Staring at my dead mother, ignoring the four men that stood near her.

A ragged middle-aged man holding a large, bloody knife in his hand, staring down at my mother with a malicious smile on his face.

A young filthy man, crouched down checking her pulse. His lips curved into a smirk when he retreated his fingers from my mother's neck.

Two other men occasionally looking around then back to my mother. Ropes and a gun in both their hands.Then. They all turned their heads towards me. They were examining my body.

I had worn a short, long-sleeved, white gown, but now. I was dressed in an oversized black T-Shirt, with only my undergarments underneath.

The young filthy man walked over to me, stopped in front of me, while I just stared down at my bare feet. Motionless. There wasn't fear, rage, no emotion on my face. Just a blank, dead stare.

He crouched down, gently lifting my chin so I could look at him, as he gave me a lustful smile. "You've got quite the body for a little girl." He whispered as he glanced down at my body.

"...What are you going to do to me..?" I asked, my voice devoid of any emotion.

"We were planning on having some fun with your mom over there, but she was too much of a struggle, so we put her down. Now we're thinking of having our fun with you." He answered in a whisper, as he stared down at my body, his hand slithering up to my underwear.

I flinched at his touch, feeling uncomfortable. I lifted my knees to my chin, my legs trying to cover up my part.

This made him upset. He glared at me as he lifted his hand, signifying his friend to give him something. The ragged middle-aged man walked over and handed him the bloody knife.

My eyes glued to the knife watching it be held by the young filthy man, slowly bringing it towards my leg. "I don't wanna hurt you, but if your not cooperative, then I'll have to..." He muttered as he pressed the cold bloody knife at the side of my thigh. I whispered as the pressure from the knife made a small cut.

"Boss. Someone's walking towards here." One of the men with a gun earned, as he peeked his head around the corner.

After hearing that I took my chances and yelled from the top of my lungs, calling for help, causing the four men to jolt in surprise. "Shut the hell up...!" The young filthy man demanded as he forcefully covered my mouth with his hand.

"Hello?!" A distant voice called out, as I heard heavy footsteps getting closer, sounded like running.

"Kill them." The young filthy man demanded. One of the men with a gun nodded and ran off.

I pleaded a muffled no, squirming around as tears started flowing down my eyes. A second later a gunshot could be heard. I squeaked at the sound the gunshot and then a thump. My eyes widened and my tears stopped flowing down. 

"See what happens when you don't cooperate?" The young filthy man retreated his hand from my mouth. "So be a good girl and just, go with it..." He said with a smile as he placed the knife down, spreading my legs despite my ankles being tied up.

Why'd I even try? Someone died because I had to open my stupid mouth. I'm being... raped. I'm not even struggling. Just laying here in an abounded alley, with my dead mother close by, my father somewhere else, dead.

Once he finished. He zipped up his pants, stood up, and stared down at me. "It would've been much more satisfying if you even reacted a bit." He scoffed as he turned his head away, staring at my mother. "Even if your mother's dead. It would be nice to have fun with her either way." He smirked.

I snapped. My eyes winded as the roped that had me tied up, snapped, breaking me free. I swiped the knife from the floor and ran towards the young filthy man, stabbing him in the heart.

"Hey! Hey! HEY! KILL THAT GIRL!" The ragged middle-aged man demanded.

Both the men who held guns started shooting, missing almost every shot. I dodged most of them, getting shot rarely, but ignored the pain and ran as fast as I could, jumping up and slicing the middle-aged man's face, making him fall and yell in pain. I ran towards both the other men, grabbing onto one of their sleeves, pulling myself up and stabbing him in the head. He fell down as I jumped up and stabbed the other in the eye.

I landed on the concrete floor, ending his life, by stabbing him in the heart. "You- you fucking murderer..." I heard a groan as I turned behind me, the ragged middle-aged held a gun in his hand.

My eyes widened as he shot, I barley dodged only getting grazed by the bullet on my right arm. As soon as I was going to go attack, his body gave in and he died with the gun in his hand.

I stood there, barefooted, messy letdown hair, blood sliding down my leg from the earlier cut, blood sliding down my arm as well, and from every shot that I had gained from the two men, my breathing hitched. I looked down at my hands, both covered with the blood that sprayed on me. Meaning my face is sprayed with blood, as well as the oversized black T-Shit.

I looked up and stared at my mother. I fell down to my knees, dropping the knife, tears started and flowed down my cold stained cheeks. I sobbed and sobbed loudly, gripping my hair and yelled in agony from the pain in my body and from the guilt of not trying to even save my mother and father.

"My parents are gone for good. And it's my fault."

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