Part 3 ~ New Feelings

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Part 3! and thanks to @TakiyahWalton5 for being my first follower! I'm very grateful ^w^

~*Sato's POV*~

It's been over a  week since the whole teacher incident, I'm just happy it's over. I'm hoping that I can get into UA because not only I want to be a hero, I want people to know that a villainous quirk can also be used for good. [insert dramatic music here]

The thoughts of UA and quirks made me start to think about Tenya and Tensei. They both have quirks that were the same as their parents but my mum quirk is hellfire, I have to ask her when I get home.  

*time skip: when Sato arrived home*

(I finally have a plot so the paragraphs will probably be longer)

"Mum, I'm home!" I yelled, there was no answer so I guessed she was out because she was rarely home when I arrived so I just unpacked and got changed into a white top and shorts.
Flopping onto the bed with my phone on the nightstand blinds wide open with light leaking onto my face.

Buzzing and ringing came from the nightstand, an incoming call from a friendly caller being the source. (Omg I just became my English teacher for a moment) 

I looked at my phone to see it was Tenya before remembering the scheduled meet up with him I panicked while frantically getting ready. I picked up the phone, "Hey Ani! Sorry, I left you waiting" "It's okay Sato" He replied, "I'm outside your place".

Without thinking I rushed down the stairs, shirtless and in a pair of baggy pants but I just realised that I didn't have a shirt when I got to the door so I just put on my school jacket which was hanging on the jacket holder. 
I opened the door and invited Iida in. He came in and hanged his jacket on the holder. "Do you want some tea or soda Ani?" I asked trying not to be rude "What flavours do you have?" "Well for tea I have chai, peppermint, Australian afternoon and pure camomile but for the soda, I think we have Fanta, Sprite, Coke zero, raspberry Pepsi and Moutain dew", I was out of breath when I finished that sentence.

~*Iida's POV*~

"I'll have chai tea thanks" I replied, he always so welcoming even though he has a villainous quirk. "Okay Dokey!" and with that, he was in the kitchen so I decided to sit down on his couch and read one of the many mangas he had on the bookshelf.

After a few minutes of reading, Sato came out with a teapot and a couple of cups, "Here Ani" he chirped "Thanks Ario". We heard keys jingle in the door lock "oh my mum's back" I heard Sato said from beside me. I never met his mum nor dad so I was curious when the door opened Sato stood up and walked to help his mum carry the bags to the kitchen. "oh. you must Sato's friend, Tensei was it?", I chuckled "Tensei is my brother, I'm Tenya". "Oh I'm so sorry" she apologised "it's fine Miss..." "Aburaya,  Tsumuji Aburaya. You can call me Muji", I was shocked at the fact she looked nothing like Sato.

She has white hair, light grey eyes, broad shoulders, small hips, wide waist, skinny thighs, while Sato had black hair, Brown eyes, small waist, medium hips and thighs. I was noticing their differences before noticing that there was a fire on her shoulder "Um, Miss Ario? you have a fire on your shoulder" I stuttered in a concerned tone, "Don't worry dear, My quirk is Hell Fire anyways" she replied calmy. "Sato, where do you think you're going?" Muji asked before looking at the staircase where Sato was standing at the bottom step "T-to put a shirt on?" "And why aren't you wearing one?" "Because I was in a panic state when Iida arrived so I forgot to put one on," he said trying to continue his way to his room.

"How about you show Tenya you're room?" Muji asked, "Mum!" He spins around "I don't need someone watching me while I'm putting on a shirt!" and with that, he ran to his room and slammed the door shut. "Miss Aburaya-" "Muji" "Sorry. Muji, I think you went overboard with that" I replied, 'Why does she want us to be in the same room all of the sudden?' "it's fine since you two are dating, right?" she asked, "No! We're just friends!" I stated while blush rushed across my face, "Oh sorry, now I get what you mean. The only reason I thought you two were dating because he's gay" I was shocked when I heard this, I never expected that he was a homosexual.

"W-what?" "Yea... his father and I was shocked as well and that was the reason my husband and I went through a divorce and I got full custody of him" she replied. I started to feel bad for him, his father left because of him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember his father. "I'll... talk to him, later" I saided, "Please do.." "I'll just give him some space for now"

*time skip: an hour*

It's been an hour since Sato went into his room. I'm starting to get nervous and having chai tea and reading novels and mangas that they had on the bookshelf wasn't helping any more, I needed to check upon him. I put down the book I was reading and got up and started made my way up to his room. When I got up to his room I hesitated when I was about to knock but I forced myself to anyways, "Go away mum" a tired voice said, "Ario it's me, Iida... I just want to check up on you." there was no response. 

"Do you want me to bring you some food?" I asked, "Yes please". I went downstairs into the kitchen where Muji was. "Were you able to talk to him?" she asked wimpily, "Barely. I'm just getting him some food".

~*Sato's POV*~

After Iida came to... 'check up' on me, I heard his footsteps get softer so I drifted off a little before hearing the footsteps coming back up the stairs, stop at my door and the soft creaking of my door opening. I kept my head down to hide my red puffy eyes and wet face "Sato? you okay there bud?" my heart skipped a beat when I heard Iida's voice. I looked up to see him crouched a few centimetres away from me, I blushed so hard that I couldn't play it off and he noticed and he blushed as well.

"I-I'm sorry" he stuttered as he fell backwards banging his head on the bed frame, "Are you okay Ani?" I asked as I got closer to him to make sure he's okay (Sure buddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) 
"I'm fine Ario, it barely hurts any way" He said with a reassuring smile. I really wanted to kiss him but I didn't know if he was gay or not, if he felt the same way, these thoughts go through my mind. 




"You okay Ario?" 

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