New Game

238 8 3

Published: 6/28/20

3rd Person's P.O.V

"Let's play a game," Reborn proposed when everyone was eating during dinner.

"Game? What kind of game?" Dino asked while Tsunami muttered that she had a bad feeling about this.

"A game where you have to participate or else you're paying for the dinner tomorrow."

"Huh?" Everyone gave Reborn their undivided attention at the mention of possible free food.

"Here's how the game goes. The objective of the game is to get Tsunami to blush or get flustered as many times as possible."

"Wait, why me?" Tsunami tried to protest, but as usual, Reborn ignored her.

"Whoever is able to get Tsunami to do any of those two things, will be able to have a free dinner."

"Hold on, that's totally unfair! Even if they get me to do it just once, they have a free dinner?!"

"That's right. However, only the four people who manages to get Tsunami to do those things the most will be able to keep all their money. On the other hand, the other four people who accomplish the objective the least will be paying for the damages."

"Reborn, why are you so sure that there will be damages?" Dino asked.

"Are you saying that those destructive guardians won't cause any trouble?" Reborn raised an eyebrow.


  There was a loud thump heard, and they found that Tsunami had slammed her head on the table.

"In fact, they're so destructive that I think I'm willing to bet that the damage will cost more than the actual meal."

Dino laughed nervously, "Is it that bad?"

When no one answered, Dino let out a small "Oh."

"Now I'm going to decide the participants. Those who will be participating are Tsunami's guardians, and Dino. Romario and Kusakabe will not be joining the game since they're guests."

"What about me then?" Dino pointed at himself. "Why am I in if I'm also a guest?"

"You're a boss."

"You always say that like it explains everything," both Dino and Tsunami sighed.

"Did you say something?"

"No, no, nothing at all, Your Majesty." They rolled their eyes in sync.

Not a second later, the two bosses were soothing a red spot on their foreheads.

"You're decades too early to mock me," Reborn huffed as the Leon-newspaper turned back to its original form. "Anyway, there's something I forgot to mention. There's a time limit. The game will start tomorrow at 12:00 A.M. and end at 11:59 P.M. That gives you about a day for your attempts."

"Won't that be a bit unfair to the people who don't see Tsunami at school or during class?" Lambo spoke up.

Reborn shrugged his shoulders, "Take advantage of the mornings and evenings then."

Lambo didn't say anything else and kept quiet, going back to eating his food.

"Hn. This will be interesting." Kyoya stood from his seat and brought his plate to the kitchen.

"Fufu, this will be interesting indeed when your wallet cries later on." Mukuro imitated his actions.

"Don't provoke him, fruit head." Hayato brought the fork to his mouth, finishing the food.

"We'll see who's wallet will be crying later, herbivore." Kyoya left his plate in the sink and headed to the couch.

"I will extremely win!" Ryohei gobbled up the rest of his food and dumped the plate into the sink as well.

"I don't want to lose to any of you either," Chrome announced before going into the kitchen to wash the plates.

"Haha, looks everyone is going to do their best. Guess I better step it up." Takeshi handed Chrome his plate and patted her shoulder to show his thanks.

"We're all talking about the game here, but why does it seem like everyone is competing about who finished their food first?" Dino stared down at his plate, which was still half full.

"Oh right, I forgot to mention this," Reborn started. "I'm sure you'll be happy to hear this, Tsunami?"


"If you manage to go through The whole day without blushing or getting flustered, then I'll pay for half of the bill."

"Seriously?!" A large, somewhat relieved grin broke out on Tsunami's face.


"I definitely won't give in now!"


I've been meaning to mention this before, but it kept slipping my mind. Natasha/Natalia is just a random character I added. I don't have anything against anyone named that, and if anyone has the same name as her, it's just a coincidence.

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