22. with my everything

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s1e22: from a cradle to a grave

Brynley screamed at the top of her lungs as Abigail and another witch chanted the spell, extracting every drop of magic out of her body.

"Eximito magia, illa erit ex eo liberos. Eximito magia, illa erit ex eo liberos."

Brynley looked over at Hayley, who kicking and screaming as Genevieve and Monique helped her wit giving birth. The brunette looked up and noticed a gold cloud began to form above her chest. She let out a sob as she felt her magic being pulled out of her.

She turned her head to see Klaus standing in the doorway of the church. A smile rose to Brynley's face, she never thought she would be so relieved to see the hybrid. Her relief disappeared when Abigail and Genevieve linked hands and pinned Klaus against the wall.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Genevieve said and turned to look at Brynley, who was having her gold magic pulled out of her. "Don't worry Brynley, it's almost done."

"What are you doing to her?" Klaus yelled and Brynley let out a scream in pain as she began to feel weak, the gold cloud above her getting bigger.

"Your child will not be the only offering for the Ancestors, Brynley's monarch magic is a fine offering as well." Genevieve answered.

"Eximito magia, illa erit ex eo liberos. Eximito magia, illa erit ex eo liberos." The witches chanted and Brynley let out a gasp as she felt the last of the magic leave her body.

"It's done." Abigail told Genevieve and the redhead nodded. Tears ran down Brynley's face as guilt grew inside her, knowing Audubon was no longer protected.

"You've played your part." Genevieve whispered and grabbed a knife, walking over to Brynley. Brynley shook her head and let out multiple sobs as Klaus and Hayley screamed in protest, not wanting to see the girl come to harm.

Brynley let out a gasp as Genevieve drove the knife into her heart. Klaus shouted threats at the witches as he watched his brother's soulmate take her final breaths.

Genevieve pulled the knife out of her heart and Brynley dropped dead to the floor, bleeding out.


"Dad!" Elle ran up to Liam in the Council's building in Audubon. "Something's wrong."

Liam looked at his daughter concerned before the two grew their wings and flew outside. The rest of the Council and the Cabinet flew up to them.

"Oh my god." Chase gasped as everyone watched as the gold bubble around Audubon began visible, and it began to crack.

"Something has to be happening to Brynley, that's the only reason why the barrier would be falling." Taelyn rambled and Liam nodded.

Liam looked at a member of the Guard. "Send as many guards out as you can to look for Brynley. Council, Cabinet, gather your strength, we have to put up the barrier spell ourselves."


Elijah stormed into St. Anne's church a while later, desperate to find his soulmate. "Brynley!"

He ran down the aisle but stopped mid way, panting and struggling to see as a result of the werewolf bites on his neck. His vision focused and his eyes fell on Brynley's body of the floor. He ran over and saw his beloved in a pile of her own blood as a horrified look took over his face.

"No. No, no. No..." Elijah shook his head as he fell to his knees. He picked Brynley's body off the ground and looked down at it. The butterfly necklace that he had given her was covered in blood, as was most of her clothes and body. Elijah's eyes widened when he noticed the hole in her chest. He bit into his wrist and attempted to feed her blood. "Bryn, come on, drink, my love, you need to drink...Please, butterfly."

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