31. blame it on fairy genetics

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s2e10: gonna set your flag on fire

Brynley smiled as she watched Elijah make pancakes for breakfast the following morning. She walked over and grabbed a bowl of strawberries, her hunger for two not being able to wait for the pancakes.

"So, you think the baby will get your terrible culinary skills?" Elijah smirked.

"Oh, shut up!" Brynley rolled her eyes playfully as she tried not to laugh. "I'm just hoping he or she gets my eyes."

"Ouch." Elijah fake-gasped.

"Just kidding," Brynley kissed his cheek and smiled. "Your eyes are nice too."

"Good morning." Hayley walked into the kitchen with Hope.

"Morning." Brynley replied and looked at baby Hope. "Good morning, cutie."

"Wanna hold her?" Hayley offered and Brynley nodded enthusiastically. Hayley passed her daughter to Brynley, the fairy being careful to make sure she was holding Hope correctly, not wanting the baby to be uncomfortable.

"Hi, oh my god, you're so perfect." Brynley whispered and smiled at Hope.

Elijah looked at his girlfriend hold his niece, a smile rising to his face. The sight just made him more excited for their child.

"Hayley, can you check the oven?" Brynley asked with a smirk and Elijah smiled, knowing what she was doing.

"Sure, what are you baking?" Hayley walked over and opened the oven to find a bread bun. Brynley handed Hope to Elijah as she took the test out of her pocket. Hayley looked up at Brynley confused before thinking and then her eyes widened. "Oh my god, are you-"

"I'm pregnant!" Brynley held up the test and Hayley smiled as she pulled the brunette in for a hug.

"Oh my god." Hayley gasped as she gave Elijah a hug as well. "You guys, this is amazing, but I don't exactly understand how it's possible."

"Neither do we." Elijah sighed and wrapped his arms around Brynley.

"But I am expecting a call from a doctor in Audubon, so we'll see. I'm going to blame it on fairy genetics and say I have magical ovaries combined with the whole soulmate thing." Brynley shrugged and Elijah smirked at her.


Brynley and Elijah followed Hayley, who was holding Hope, outside the house to see Klaus and Camille.

I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. The little troublemaker all the fuss has been about." Klaus told the blonde. "Camille, this is Hope."

"Oh my god! But-You said-I thought she was?" Cami studdered.

"The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death." Klaus shrugged. "I hope you understand, once it is safe for you to leave here, this secret cannot leave with you."

Cami nodded and walked over to Hayley, looking at Hope. "Oh, she's perfect!"

"Bryn, did you tell him?" Klaus whispered and Brynley nodded excitedly. Klaus walked over to Elijah and patted his shoulder with a smile. "Brother! Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Niklaus." Elijah said reluctantly and Brynley giggled, both of the soulmates looking down at Brynley's stomach.

Everyone moved inside to discuss what to do next.

"Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope. Which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn." Klaus began.

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