26. to kick some ass

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s2e5: red door

Brynley looked down at her phone, noticing the time. Elijah still wasn't back yet from protecting young wolves with Hayley and Aiden. She bit her lip nervously and called her boyfriend for fifth time, getting no answer.

"Elijah, where are you? Call me please." Brynley left her soulmate a message. She bit her lip nervously, worried that something happened to Elijah and called Klaus.

"I'm a bit busy right now, Bryn." Klaus answered.

"Have you heard from Elijah?" Brynley asked.

"No, but if you find him, tell him I could use a hand." Klaus hung up the call and Brynley rolled her eyes.


Elijah walked down a hallway with a red door at the end of it, following a girl with brown hair. The girl ran to the door and pounded on it, screaming and crying for help. She turned to look at Elijah and he saw it was Brynley. She pulled on the door until Elijah walked up to her, pulling her towards him by her arm. The girl was no longer Brynley, but now Tatia. Elijah grabbed her by her neck and bit into it.

Elijah woke up to his wrists chained to the walls in a crypt. He looked up at the chain and yanked on them, attempting to break free, but they wouldn't. Esther walked in, sipping a cup of tea. "Have you forgotten where you are, son? Save your strength. My chains don't break so easily. Having sweet dreams?"

Elijah lunged at her, but the chains wouldn't allow him to get close. "Get out of my head."

"I'm not in your head, dear. You were screaming." Esther smirked and Elijah glared at her. "Go ahead, get your bearings. We have much to discuss."

"Who were you dreaming about ripping apart when you woke earlier? Was it your little plaything, Brynley? Or, was it someone else?" Esther questioned and Elijah growled at her at the mention of Brynley. "Oh, stop fighting, Elijah! I brought you here to listen, and you're not going anywhere until I've said my piece."

"So speak." Elijah demanded.

"I want you to rejoin our family, but as a witch. I want you to leave behind the grotesque savage vampirism has made of you. Take the body of a mortal, and we can all be happy again. Start over." Esther offered.

"You do know you're entirely demented, don't you?" Elijah asked.

"Am I? I'm not the one who pulls the wings off of every beautiful butterfly that he finds." Esther reminded and Elijah looked down, just the word 'butterfly,' reminding him of Brynley. "Like the woman who flits across the edge of your nightmare."

"Let me go. Now." Elijah's fangs grew and veins appeared under his eyes.

"Hmm. How quickly you slip back into your more savage self." Esther sighed. "The moral son I raised is now but a mask worn to hide ancient demons."

"You know nothing." Elijah shook his head.

"See, that's where you're wrong. I know more about the secrets you carry than you do. Shall I list them? I can begin with the first little butterfly you destroyed." Esther began. "The sweet young widow from our village who caught your eye when you were still human. Ah, you remember her. Of course. How could you forget the first girl to ever steal your heart? She of mystical blood, the doppelgänger, Tatia."

"I did nothing but love that woman until the day you took her life." Elijah mumbled.

"I know that's what you believe... which is precisely why you are here." Esther said. "I need to show you the monster you really are. When I do, you will beg for salvation, and happily I shall provide it."

𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜, 𝐞. 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧²Where stories live. Discover now