40. what i want is

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s2e20: city beneath the sea

"Hayley is gone? You need to get her and the baby back here, immediately!" Freya demanded as she and Elijah stood in the St. Louis Cathedral.

"When Dahlia has been defeated. For now, they are safe, as is Brynley." Elijah replied.

"Nowhere is safe from Dahlia, and we will have no chance of ending her without that baby or Brynley." Freya shook her head.

"What are you saying?" Elijah asked.

"Dahlia is protected by a powerful magic. We have collected items that represent her vulnerabilities," sacred soil, the ash of a fallen Viking, and the blood of the witch who broke her heart." Freya explained "Now, I will use these ingredients to create a "killing ground" where Dahlia will be rendered mortal, but... we need to lure her there, Elijah."

"Are you suggesting that I position my girlfriend or my niece as bait?" Elijah looked at her in disbelief and Freya stood silent. "Well, how wonderfully convenient, to offer this strategy when Niklaus has been removed."

"Klaus cannot be reasoned with." Freya shrugged.

"You cannot honestly believe I would allow you to do this-" Elijah began.

"What I believe is you will make the right choice for Hope and your future family. There is no other way to keep them from the miserable existence I endured under the slavery of a tyrant." Freya said.

"Of course, if Dahlia does die, you will also be free of that tyranny. No more running, no more hiding. So, do not insult my intelligence by painting your actions as selfless." Elijah reminded.

"If you will not bring Hayley back here, I will find Hope myself. Or I'll get Brynley and your unborn daughter. And, as I said, there is no other way."


Brynley walked into an apartment in Audubon with Elle and Chase. She and Elijah agreed they should move her somewhere more discreet than one of the biggest mansions in the society.

"Okay, so you guys want to play Uno or..." Chase began and Elle gave him a look. They both turned to Brynley, who sat on the couch, holding her stomach nervously.

"Bryn, everything is going to be okay." Elle sat down next to her.

"Everyone keeps saying that, but nothing is happening! Dahlia is still out there! I haven't left Audubon in days and I'm going to go insane!" Brynley shook her head. "Elijah barely tell me anything about what's going on out there because he doesn't want to scare me, but I'm already terrified."

"Tell us what you want to do. We can get you more guards, we'll find you another safe house-" Chase tried to help.

"What I want is to go out there and kick Dahlia's ass!"


"I'm afraid we have more pressing concerns." Elijah and Camille walked into St. James to find Rebekah and Vincent

"What's all this?" Rebekah gestured to the boxes.

"Dark objects. Because apparently, now I'm a dispensary." Camille rolled her eyes.

"It seems that Niklaus' distrust of Freya was not entirely misplaced. Our sister wants to use Hope and Brynley to lure Dahlia in to a trap." Elijah informed.

"And, I assume you told her she's out of her lunatic mind?" Rebekah crossed her arms.

"I have another idea. Hope and Brynley are something of a beacon for this new terror. But, now that she's been cloaked and Brynley is hidden in Audubon, perhaps we can use something else to ensnare Dahlia." Elijah suggested. "These enchanted objects should generate power to create a decoy of some kind. Mr. Griffith? Where do you think you're going?"

"I agreed to help Rebekah break her bond with them kids. You wanna get back to that? Um, text me!" Vincent attempted to walk out but Elijah stopped him.

"Right now, I need the best minds and the most formidable witches in this city. Mr. Griffith, do you have any idea the danger my girlfriend, daughter, and niece now face?" Elijah asked.

"I wish them well! I really do! But, I'm done with magic. This ain't my fight." Vincent shrugged before Elijah grabbed him by the neck.

"Elijah, it's not worth it! I'll get Davina! I'm sure she'll be happy to help." Camille tried to mediate.

"Dahlia demanded Hope and Brynley by nightfall. Time is of the essence."


"So, you need me to bleed?" Brynley questioned Elijah, the two of them standing in the apartment in Audubon.

"Your blood contains some of our child's power. If we take a small bit of it and put it somewhere else..." Elijah began.

"Dahlia will be drawn to that." Brynley smiled.

"We'll use astral projection, fairy style, to make it seem like you're in the compound." Elle explained. "Combine that with the fake source of power using your blood..."

"It'll be like you're actually there." Chase smirked.

Brynley stuck her hand out and Elijah slowly cut her palm with a knife, not wanting to hurt her. Brynley winced slightly and Elijah whispered an apology as she dripped her blood into a vial.

Elijah bit into his wrist and brought it to Brynley's mouth, his soulmate drinking a bit of his blood so the cut on her palm could heal.

"Now," Elijah whispered and kissed Brynley's lips. "Hopefully, when I get back, Dahlia will be gone."


Klaus stood with Dahlia, currently in Dahlia's world in her head. "Your daughter and your niece will need my guidance just as Freya did."

"I think I'll find someone a little less hostile to teach her, Elijah and Brynley doing the same with their daughter. Shouldn't be difficult, practically anyone will fit that criteria." Klaus shrugged.

"Will you be interviewing tutors while you lie desiccated? How long, do you think, before Elijah and Rebekah release you? How old will Hope be?" Dahlia questioned.

"So, after twice failing to create a family of your own, now you wish to commandeer mine and my brother's? Not going to happen, sweetheart." Klaus shook his head.

"Family? Family only ever brought me pain. I want power. I am owed Hope's and the unborn child's, and without it, I will slumber again within the year." Dahlia disagreed. "Freya turned on me because I denied her a basic need, the love of a parent. That is why I need you, Niklaus, to remain Hope's father. Try to imagine this, you will get to raise your daughter, and I will channel the magic that has been promised to me. And, in so doing, I would help Hope to hone her craft that you couldn't possibly comprehend."

"And for my brother's child?" Klaus wondered.

"The same will apply. The child will need the love of a parent, but that parent will need to be Brynley." Dahlia shrugged and Klaus gave her a look. "Fairy magic is a difficult craft, Niklaus. One that is beyond my understanding, that is why the girl will need her fairy mother to teach her that side of her powers while I train the witch side."


"Once the spell has set, Dahlia won't be able to enter without being rendered mortal." Freya turned to face Elijah in St. Louis Cathedral. "Where's the child and Brynley, Elijah?"

"If we use their powers to lure Dahlia, swear to me that Brynley and Hope will come to no harm." Elijah demanded.

"Dahlia won't get close enough to hurt Hope or your soulmate. She will not be able to hurt any soul ever again." Freya swore before Elijah vamp sped towards her, injecting her with two syringes.

"I do hope that is true. You are now the bait." Elijah informed and Freya looked at him.

"What did you do to me?" Freya asked.

"Brynley and Hope's blood is now in you, therefore Dahlia will now be hunting you. All we needed was a beating heart, and though I question the purity of your heart's intent, I hear it beating just fine." Elijah explained.

"No! No! If Dahlia senses a ruse-" Freya began.

"Rebekah and the Cabinet of Audubon assured me this will work, and I trust them far more than I trust you." Elijah cut her off.

𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜, 𝐞. 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧²Where stories live. Discover now