Chapter fourteen

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Klaus parked, rushing to open my door for me, and giving me a hand out. "Where are we?" I asked, looking at the woods we were about to enter. "You're not going to murder me are you?" I asked, only half joking.

"It's a surprise love, and no I didn't bring you out here to murder you, promise" he smiled, taking my hand gently, leading my through the dark woods.

"This isn't nerve wracking at all" I muttered.

"Relax little flower, no harm shall come to you, trust me" we came to a clearing, he told me to close my eyes, while he went to set something up. "Alright open them"

I opened my eyes, gasping at the beautiful sight. Fairy lights were strung through the trees surrounding the small meadow, in the middle was a picnic blanket with candles all around. "Klaus" I breathed.

"Do you like it?" He asked, looking a little worried that I wouldn't.

"I love it" smiling I giggled, running and grabbing his hand then pulling him to the blanket.

We talked about a range of subjects, just trying to get to know the other, Klaus seemed a little hesitant to open up about his family's past, but eventually he did, telling me about his adventures with his siblings through Europe.

Things started to settle down when the food was finished, suddenly Klaus wooshed everything away, turning off the lights and blowing out the candles, returning to me on the ground.

"Lie down with me and watch the stars" I could see his grin in the faint star light, so I complied, laying next to him with my ankles crossed, my arms on my stomach.

"Tell me something" I spoke, spotting the Big Dipper.

"What do you wish to know?" We didn't look at each other, just stared at the sky.

"Why are you so kind to me?" I felt his gaze on me, before he answered looking back up.

"I feel a bond with you that I haven't felt before, you see the good in people who most likely don't deserve it, and you are the first person besides that of my blood that I feel the need to protect" he sighed.

"I can only see the good in people when they already have it, because despite everything, I've seen you when you paint, when you interact with your siblings, I've seen you be good, but people paint you to be the bad guy. If someone's told they're evil enough times, they're going to start to believe it" I glanced at him, only to see him smiling at the sky. "I will do everything in my power to help you see who you really are Klaus" I leaned on my elbow, turning my body to face his. "Because you deserve to have someone who can see the good and the bad, and yet still want you"

He turned to face me, slowly leaning in, about to brush his lips against mine, but the moment was ruined by a phone ringing.

Sighing, I reached into my back pocket, trying to see who was calling me so urgently.

Unknown caller

"Hello?" I answered, glancing at Klaus, mouthing a 'sorry'

"Daisy" the voice taunted "I told you I'd come for you" my eyes widened when I recognized who it was.

"What do you want Chad?" I demanded, sitting up.

"It's come to my attention you think you can date other guys" I gulped. "I'm waiting in the woods Daisy, and if you don't come, I'll kill that new boyfriend of yours" the phone hung up, and I looked nervously at Klaus.

"Don't worry little Flower, if he comes near you, I'll tear his head off myself" I smiled weakly, already starting to feel my skin start to feel itchy, the familiar sign of a panic attack.

"Klaus" I whispered, trying with all my might to ground myself as I started to panic.

"What can I do sweetheart?" He asked, sounding desperate, but I started to zone out, and I tried counting my senses, finding five things I could see, hear, and touch, desperate to avoid going back there.

I started to breathe again, my hands still shaking a little. "It's okay I'm fine" I said more to myself than to Klaus. "I'm safe" I knew he'd protect me.

"What do you need?" He tried to get my attention once again.

"Distract me" I breathed, trying my hardest to stop myself from going into another one.

Klaus leaned forward, kissing me, I felt myself melt into it, my brain having something new to focus on.

I broke from the kiss "he said he was waiting in the woods" I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.

"You'll be safe love" he pulled me into a comforting hug, without pulling away, he reached for his phone, calling someone. "Elijah I need a favor"

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