part 1

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AURORA FELT HER LEGS sticking to the chair of her desk and shifted uncomfortably as her teacher finished the lesson

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AURORA FELT HER LEGS sticking to the chair of her desk and shifted uncomfortably as her teacher finished the lesson. It was the last day of school for the year and one of the hottest days and the school didn't have one bit of AC. Rory felt herself sweat in places she never did before and looked down at her notebook filled with random doodles. The bell rang for summer and Aurora immediately got up to leave and joined her friends Bill, Richie and Eddie as they walked out of the class talking about Stanley's Bar Mitzvah. Aurora held onto Bills arm slightly as they walked— Bill knew it was just for comfort.
"So, there's this church full of Jews, right? And Stan has to take this super Jewy test." Eddie explained not the three of them

"But how's it work?" Bill asked

"They slice the tip of his dick off" Eddie stated plainly and Aurora curled her lip up in disgust

"But then Stan will have nothing left!" Richie commented

"Beep Beep Richie!" Aurora scolded in slightly disgust— but also in Stanley's defence. She would never admit it but she's had a small crush on Stanley since they met.

"That's true."

"Wait up, you guys!" Stanley's voice came from behind them and Aurora turned her head and made room for him to stand beside her. Stanley looked down at the slightly shorter girl and smiled at her and she returned the smile, and they both went slightly pink in the face. Aurora decided to switch from Bills arm to Stanley's.

"Stanley, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah?" Aurora asked

"Ed says they slice the tip of your d-dick off." Bill told him

"Yeah, and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say, Where's the beef?" Richie joked and Aurora did slip a small chuckle

"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man."

"I could think of funner ways to become a man." Eddie said

"More fun, you mean." Stanley corrected

That was one of the things about Stanley, he was a perfectionist. He always corrected proper English and if something seemed slightly out of place he just had to fix it.

"Oh, shit." Richie muttered as the five of them all walked past Henry Bowers and his minions: Reginald "Belch" Huggins, Vic Criss, and Patrick Hockstetter. Henry stood there with his arms folded staring down Aurora with a smirk on his face, Belch and Patrick smiled malevolently at them, and Vic merely gives them a threatening stare.

"Think they'll sign my yearbook?" Richie asked "Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good summer." As they walked down the stairs, Gretta Keene stormed past them and bumped into Stan, and into the girl's bathroom.

"Oh no, looks like Greta's got another victim" Aurora told them

The five made their way down to the trash, where they decided to dump their notebooks and school stuff out of their bags.
"Best feeling ever." Stanley said

"Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time."

"Ew Rich, keep your pickle to yourself"

"Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Eddie asked the group

"I start my training."

"Wait, what training?"

"Street Fighter."

"Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?"

"Beats spending it inside of your mother." Richie announced "Oh!" He raised his arm for a high five— but Stanley lowered Richies arm.

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stanley suggested looking to Aurora but she shook her head

"we we're going to the Barrens, right?" Aurora looked to Bill


"Betty Ripsom's mom." Eddie said and they all turned to look at Mrs. Ripsom, standing next to a police officer, with Sheriff Bowers, Henry's dad, a few feet away.

Aurora used to be close to Betty before she went missing. They used to spend every waking moment with each other. It broke Auroras heart when she went missing. She was her best friend.

"Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stanley asked

"I don't know. As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding at Home Ec for the last few weeks." Eddie told them

"You think they'll actually find her?"

"Sure. In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear." Richie said, and Auroras heart sunk at the thought of her best friend being dead. Stanley could feel the girls mood change and put his hand on her arm hesitantly.

"Shut up! That's freaking disgusting." Eddie yelled

"She's not dead. She's missing." Bill told Richie, also noticing Auroras mood change. This caused Richie to look at Aurora and fix his glasses.

"Sorry, Aurora. She's missing. You know the Barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" Richie went on before Suddenly, he was pushed and pushed him into Stan and Aurora, knocking all three of them to the ground. Aurora felt her knee slightly scrape against the pavement and groaned in pain as she noticed Patrick picked up Stans hat that he always wore.

"Nice Frisbee, flamer." Patrick held it up

"Give it back!" Stan yelled but Patrick just laughed evilly and threw it through the window of the school bus that passed.

"Fucking losers!"

Vic picked Aurora up, slightly grabbing her butt making her squeal before letting her go and she was grabbed by Stan.

Henry walked passed Bill with his friends, bumping Bills shoulder. "Loser." He muttered

Bill started to stutter angrily "you suck, Bowers!" He told them

"Shut up, Bill." Eddie told him in a hushed tone

Henry, Belch, and Patrick all turned around
"You s-s-s-say something, Bi-Bi-Bi-Billy? You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother."Henry walked towards Bill and stopped infront of him "Ride's over, Denbrough" he stated before his eyes went towards his father for a moment "This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends." Henry said before running his hand along his tongue and wiping it on Bill's cheek and walking off with his friends following him.

"I wish he'd go missing."

"He's probably the one doing it."

AN: ps this book might be a bit choppy cuz I made this off impulse and there could be plot points missing but I just needed something to spark motivation to start writing again and Taylor Swifts songs always do that idk

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