part 6

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WHEN RORY WOKE UP, Eddie was still passed out beside her

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WHEN RORY WOKE UP, Eddie was still passed out beside her. She felt her forehead and looked at her hand to see blood. She sat up and looked to Eddie. "Eddie" she shook him a bit "Eddie wake up" Eddie got up gasping— she looked at his arm and it was broken at the forearm "Holy shit your arm" Rory said before a sound came from the fridge. A hand come out of the fridge and slowly opened it, to reveal the same clown that was on the projector that was all twisted up. IT slowly unwrapped and straightened its head.
"Time to float" it said before taking a step towards them. Eddie and Rory started to back up with every step it took, eventually up against a cabinet. The clown got in front of them and grabbed Eddie's face and Rory's neck as they whimpered in fear.

"Tasty Tasty fear" IT said

The Clown kept taunting them and started to open is face revealing a lot of teeth until it heard the door open and moved to Eddie's neck and kept his grip on Rory's.

"Thank fuck" they heard Richies faint voice

"Where are they?"

Rory and Eddie started screaming, hoping they would follow it. After a minute Bill and Richie came through the door.

"Holy shit"

"Is this not real enough for you billy? Am I not real enough for you? It was real enough for Georgie!"

Rory saw the fear in Bills eyes as it said his little brothers name. It started to charge at Them before Beverly came and stuck a spike through its head

"Get them—get them" Richie screamed, Richie and Bill ran to them on each side

"Guys!" Rory yelled as the clown grew claws, looking more angry walking towards them.

"Guys, watch out!"

The clown taunted them, and stepped forward fastly making them all scream, it let out a creepy laugh then turned fastly slashing Ben in the stomach


The clown backed up towards the stairs
"Don't let him get away" Bill got up and went to where the clown had just disappeared to

"Don't—Eddie, look at me." Richie said as he was beside Eddie, Rory on the other side as she quickly looked to Stan and got up to go hug him. He didn't care that there was blood on his shirt he just wanted her to be okay.



"I'm gonna snap it back into place" Richie said
"Nooooo, Nooooo!" Eddie yelled at Richie " Do not fucking touch me! Do not touch me!" Eddie yelled, Bill came to Rory's side and watched Eddie scream in pain.

"Richie I don't know if that's a good idea" Rory told him

"Well, one, two, three." Richie said snapping eddies arm back into place making Eddie yell louder

"Shit!" Rory yelled

All the kids ran out of the house, Richie and Bill helped Rory and she rode on Eddies bike since he was in Mikes bike basket.

Rory watched as Eddies mom dragged him a away from the group.  "You, you did this.You know how delicate he is." Eddies mom said pointing her finger in their faces

"We were attacked, Mrs. K." Bill tried to tell her

"No, don't, don't try to blame anyone else Let me—Get back!" She yelled as Beverly tried to pick up her keys

"Oh, I've heard of you Miss Marsh... and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my Eddie. you are all monsters, all of you, Now Eddie's done with you, you hear, done!" She said, walking around to the drivers side and getting in, than driving away with Eddie.

They all walked onto the road and watched the car drive down the road. Bill turned to them and sighed.
"I saw the well. w-w-w-w-we know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill said

"NO! No next time, Bill. You're insane." Stan said

"Why? We all know nobody else is going to do anything" Beverly exclaimed

"Eddie was nearly killed! and look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper." Richie yelled, pointing at Ben.

"We can't pretend it's going to go away Ben, you said yourself it comes back every 27 years." Beverly said

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too."

"Because I want to run towards something, not away."

"I'm sorry but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie asked before she flipped him off

"Richie" Rory exclaimed

"I'm just saying, lets face facts, real world. Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too." Richie said

"Georgie's not dead." Bill said

"You couldn't save him but you could still save yourself." Richie said going to Leave

"No! t-t-take it back, you're scared and we all are but take it back." Bill pushed Richie and he pushed back and then Bill grabbed Richies shirt and punched him

"Bill!" Rory yelled

"You're such a loser." Richie yelled

"Richie, just." Stan said while him and Mike were holding him back, Ben holding Bill back.

"You're a bunch of losers, get us all killed- while trying to catch a clown." Richie said

"Stop!" Beverly yelled

"This is what IT wants, IT wants to divide us. we're all together, when we heard it, that's why we're still alive." Rory said

"Yeah, well I plan to keep it that way." Richie said walking away

"Richie" Rory grabbed Richie shoulder, her whipped around to face her

"No. don't Rory! If you keep doing this Your gonna end up jsut like your mom!" he yelled, Rory's eyes widened and Richies did too. Rory looked at him.

Rory had told Richie about her mom. He was the first one to know of the group. The whole group silenced. They knew how sensitive Rory was about her mom and Richie had just used it against her.

She quickly turned around and started went to put her skateboard down
"Rory He didn't mean—" Stanley grabbed her arm

"No! I can't believe you!" she said, with tears forming in her eyes "I knew it—don't talk to me ever again" She said ripping her arm from Stanley's grip and skating away on her skateboard, fully in tears. They all called after her but she ignored it and just pushed her foot of the ground, making her board go faster

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