part 3

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THEY WAITED FOR BEVERLY to flirt with Mr Keene, Rory gagged at the creepy old man

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THEY WAITED FOR BEVERLY to flirt with Mr Keene, Rory gagged at the creepy old man. Beverly turned to them and they ran out. Or, tried to. Bill ran into Eddie, who ran into the shelf and Stan tripped, Rory was the only one who didn't fall. They made it out of the store "You guys are slick" Rory laughed as they stopped in front of Ben. Aurora took her spot beside Stan on the brick wall leaning up against him slightly. "Just suck the wound." Richie said

"I need to focus right now."

"You need to focus?" Richie Asked

"Yeah, can you go get me something?" Eddie asked

"Jesus." Rory muttered

"Oh, what do you need?" Richie asked

"Go get my bifocals, they're in my second fanny pack."

"Why the hell do you have two fanny packs?" Rory asked

"I need to focus right now, it's a long story. I don't want to hear it." Rory noticed Bill walking out of the alley way and then she saw Beverly and him talking

"Oh god, he's bleeding." Stan said

"You have to suck the wound before you apply the bandage. It's basic." Richie said

"Isn't that for paper cuts?" Rory asked

"You dont know what you're talking about" Eddie said

"sorry Doctor K" Rory apologized and Richie laughed

"Are you okay, that looks like it hurts." Beverly asked as she walked over to them

"No, I'm good. I just fell." Ben said

"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Richie said before Rory elbowed him

"Richie shut up" she muttered

"Why? It's the truth."

"You sure they got The Right Stuff to fix you up?" Beverly asked winking at him

"You know w-w-we'll take care of him. Thanks, Beverly." Bill told her

"Sure, maybe I'll see you around." She said

"Yeah, w-we were g-gonna g-go to the q-q-quarry tomorrow if y-you wanna c-come"

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