part 7

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THE NEXT MONTH for the Losers was definitely the hardest

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THE NEXT MONTH for the Losers was definitely the hardest. since Rory refused to face any of the Losers she had to hangout with her little sister. They'd go for walks and Bella would ride her tricycle and they'd pass some of the Losers house but she didn't look at them. Both Stan and Richie tried to call her at least 5 times a day but she ignored it. declined all the calls and all they're attempts to talk to her.

she was dressed to go to Stanley's bar Mitzvah. Rory's father wanted to go still even though he knew what happened, he wanted to keep his promise to Mr Uris and secretly Rory wanted to go for Stanley. This was a big part in his life. She was dressed in a light purple dress that Stanley had helped her pick out with white high top converse. They arrived at the Bar-mitzvah and listened to Stan read. She saw him glance up towards her a few times.

"Reflecting on the meaning of what I just read, the word Leshanot comes up a lot which means to change, to transform" Stanley Said "Which makes sense I guess, because today I'm supposed to become a man." Stan paused "It's funny, though. Everyone, I think, has some memories they're prouder of than others, right? And maybe that's why change is so scary. Cause the things we wish we could leave behind... the whispers we wish we could silence... the nightmares we most wanna wake up from... the memories we wish we could change... the secrets we feel like we have to keep... are the hardest to walk away from. The good stuff? The pictures in our mind that fade away the fastest? Those pieces of you it feels the easiest to lose. Maybe I don't want to forget. Maybe if that's what today is all about... forget it, right?" Stanley stopped

"Thank you Stanley" his father said but Stanley stepped away and kept going and slowly walked down the stairs away from his dad.

"Today I'm supposed to become a man, but I don't feel any different." He stopped when the cord pulled. He turned to his dad "I know I'm a Loser. And no matter what... I always fucking will be." He said before dropping the mic and walking away to the doors. Richie stood up, and starting clapping but his mother quickly pulled him down and quieted him. Rory sighed and tapped her fingers on the seat before standing up quickly and running after Stanley.

"Stanley, wait up!" Rory called, running out the front door of the Synagogue and Stanley turned around. To face her in surprise. Rory stopped in front of him.
"Hey" she said


"Look I'm sorry for not running off on you that day" Rory started "I was just so upset at Richie that I took it out on everyone. I should've returned your calls"

"It's okay Rory I understand" Stan told her

"Does this mean we're good?" She asked and Stan giggled, nodding his head and brought her into a hug. It lasted for a moment before she pulled away and it was awkward silence for a moment.

"Can i tel you something?" Stanley asked suddenly and Rory looked up at him and nodded

"Yeah of course" she told him and noticed him get fidgety and nearvous

"you know how we met in kindergarten, and you had just hit your finger on the door and I offered to kiss it better?" He asked and Rory laughed, nodding

"Yeah of course. I remember that"

"And than in third grade we both told each other that we'd never kissed anyone before and wanted to see what it was like"

"Where are you going with this?" Rory asked

"What I'm trying to say is.... That I like you— like like you, and all those times I just wanted I reason to be close to you. I know I'm weird and like to watch birds and play chess but you are the only one who understands me, and I don't know if you feel the same but I can't go any longer without yo—" 

Rory giggled at Stanley's rambling "just shut up and kiss me bird boy" she simply cupped the sides of his face and placed her lips on his. Stanley seemed to freeze up for a minute before his hand slowly moved to her back. Rory pulled away and they leaned their foreheads against each other.

"I like you too Stanley" she told him and he let out a breath

"Thank god I was scared" Rory laughed and went on her tippy toes again to give him another kiss.

"Thank fuck!" Richies voice came from behind them and they turned their heads quickly and Richie walked towards them.

"I'm really sorry about what I said Rory. I was mad and I know that's not an excuse and I know how much your mom meant to you. I shouldn't have said it" he stated and Rory sighed

"It's okay" Rory said "I forgive you. But next time you say something like that I'm gonna punch you" she told him and Richie nodded

"Yes ma'am"

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