part 5

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THEY SAT IN BILLS GARAGE looking at the projector. "Look. Storm drain. That's were Georgie disappeared, there's the Ironworks, and the Black Spot. Everywhere IT happens it's-it's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at the, the well-house." Bill explained to them

"the house on Neibolt Street?" Rory asked

"the creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?"

"I hate that place. Always feels like it's watching me." Beverly added

"That's where I saw IT. Where I saw a clown." Eddie said

"Tha-tha-that's where IT lives." Bill stated

"I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." Rory said before Eddie abruptly stood up in front of the projector

"Can we stop talking about this? I can barely breathe. It's summer. We're kids, I can barely breathe I'm having a fucking asthma attack and fuck doing this." Eddie said pulling the map down

"What the hell! Put the map back!" Bill yelled.

Eddie shook his head no before the projector started to flick show pictures of Bill and his Family, with Georgie. Nobody had touched it.

"What happened?" Bill asked

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, look!"



"Bill?" Stan said worried— the flickers starred to get faster showing Bills moms hair getting in her face, then it moved and a clown was there instead


"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Rory screamed back

"Turn it off!" Bill said

"Yes, Turn it off!" Rory yelled, Mike kicked the projector and it stopped. The clown was moving a blurry and then it flickers again to see no clown

"I said turn it off not Kick it!" Rory said as the screen turned blank. Then a huge clown popped up and it was in the room.

"Run, Stanley!"

"What is that?"

The clown saw Rory and Beverly in the corner and ran on his knees towards her. Both girls were up against the wall with their knees to their chest, screaming. The clown screamed loudly showing teeth. the two girls screamed loudly before the garage door was lifted and the clown was no longer there. Rory lifted her head and got up. She went offer to Ben patting him on the back, and so did Beverly.

Than Rory hugged Stan, who wrapped his arms around the girl.

"IT saw us. IT saw us and It knows where we are." Eddie said

"IT always knew, so let's go." Bill said walking towards his bike

"Go? Go where?"

"Neibolt.That's where G-Georgie is."

"After that?"

"Yeah, it's summer, we should be outside"

"If you say it's summer one more f-f-fucking time."

"Bill?" Rory asked before he rode off, she quickly grabbed her skateboard and went after him as quickly as she could

"He t-t-thrusts his fists. Against the p-p-post and still insists he sees the g-ghost." Bill stuttered walking up to the house, Rory behind him

"Bill!" Rory yelled

"You can't go in there. This is crazy." Beverly said

"Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't. So walking into this house for me... it's easier that walking into my own." Bill said

"Wow." Richie said

"What?" Rory asked

"He didn't stutter once."

"Wait! Uhhh, shouldn't we have some people keep watch, just in case something bad happens?" Stan asked

"wh-wh-who wants to stay out here?"

Everyone raised there hands except Rory, Beverly and Bill

"Fuck. I can't believe i pulled the short straw, you guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks." Richie said

"Beep Beep, Richie." Rory said

"I can smell that."

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie said

"How come?" Eddie asked

"Cause then you're eating it." Richie said making Eddie gag

Then Richie stood still looking at a paper
"What?" Rory asked looking over his shoulder seeing Richies name, age and picture on the paper

"It, it says I'm missing." Richie said

"y-y-you're not missing, Richie." Bill said

"Then why's it say it there, it's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face"

"Calm down, this isn't real." Rory said

"That's my name, that's my age, that's the date" Richie panicked

"This isn't real, Richie." Bill said

"What the fuck? It says I'm missing- Am I missing? Will I disappear?" Richie asked

"Take it easy. Look at me, Richie. Look at me. This isn't real. IT's playing tricks on you." Rory said

"Hello?" A small voice came from a hall

They followed the noise to see Betty ripsom on the ground through the door. Rory's mount opened.

"Betty" she muttered  before Betty whimpered and was pulled back and Rory screamed.

They started to walk towards the door but Eddie stopped, Rory noticed and stayed with him
"Do you guys hear that?" Eddie asked

"Hear what?"

Rory heard groaning, coming towards them and looked towards the door Bill and Richie went to, the door started to close

"Eddie lets go" Rory pulled him towards the door


"Bill!" but it shut, and a whole was in the floor before them

"Rory! Eddie!"

"Holy shit" Rory said before she felt something behind her. It tapped Eddie and her on the shoulder and they both turned to see a gross looking figure.

"Time to take your pill Eddie" it said before Eddie grabbed onto Rory, they both lost their balance and fell into the whole and broke the table, passing out

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