part 10

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IT WAS NOW SEPTEMBER, and it had been a week since the fight with Pennywise

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IT WAS NOW SEPTEMBER, and it had been a week since the fight with Pennywise. Right now she sat Next to Stanley with the group as Beverly explained what she had seen when she was floating up in the air. They sat on rocks in a circle. "I only remember parts but... I thought i was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us, saw us together, back in the cistern, but we were older... I mean our parents ages." She said

"w-w-what were we all doing there?" Bill asked

"I just remembered how we felt, how scared we were, I don't think I can ever forget that." Bill stood up with a piece of a broken bottle held in his hand

"Swear, swear if IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back, we'll come back too." Bill said. Rory, Mike, Ben, Stanley, Richie, Eddie, and Beverly stood up one by one as Bill held out his left hand and made an incision in it using the piece of glass. He turns to  Richie and cuts into his left hand; he cringes from the pain and shakes his hand as Bill does the same thing with Eddie, who looks away. Bill then goes over to Mike, who groans as Bill cuts into his skin; Stanley closes his eyes and grits his teeth in pain as Bill makes an incision in his hand. Rory held out her hand and nodded confidently before Bill put the piece of glass to her skin making her groan in pain. He went to Ben, who only let out a quick grunt in pain as Bill cuts his hand. finally, he goes over to Beverly, as the others clutch their bleeding hands, and makes a deep incision in her hand; Beverly winced slightly. Bill stepped away, in between Richie and Beverly, and held out his right hand; Beverly placed her left hand in it. Ben took Beverly's right hand, then extends his right hand to Rory, who took it with her left hand then took Stanley's hand and he took Mike's left hand with his right, Mike holds hands with Eddie, who cringes, then takes Richie's left hand, and finally, Richie takes Bill's hand. The eight of them held hands for a few seconds, then let go one after the other.

"I gotta go... I hate you." Stan said before breaking into a smile and the group giggled. He grabbed Rory's hand.

"I'll see you later."

"Cya guys"

"Goodbye, Stan, bye Rory"

Her and Stan held hands the whole time home and when Rory got in sight of her house she saw police cars and causation tape, trucks, and people coming in and out of her house. She let go of Stans hand and ran towards the house. She needed to find her father or her sister. She stepped over the tape and pushed through the police with Stan following her.

"Exuse me what happend?" She asked a police officer

"Ma'am that's secluded information"

"I live here" she told him "where is my father and sister?" She asked, but before she could even get an answer, two cops walked out of the house with her father in handcuffs.

"Dean Kennedy, your under arrest for the murder of Celina Kennedy and the abduction of Aurora and Bella Kennedy"

"Wait what?" Aurora exclaimed "what does that mean?"

"He didn't have full custody of you"

"You killed my mother?" Aurora seethed through her teeth at her 'father' "I can't believe I trusted you! You told me that mom drowned! Do you know how confusing this is? You killed my mom becuase your a phycopath! Go to hell!" She cried, starting to breakdown and fall to the ground in tears. Stanley gently guided her to the ground and rubbed her back. Bella came running out from the house and into Rory's arms.

The next day she had to have her stuff packed because her and her sister were being moved to foster care. Their nearest family was New York, so they'd be flying there.

It was so last minute that she couldn't go see any of the losers, none but Stanley knew. She stood outside the car with Stanley.

"I'm gonna miss you" she told him, cupping his face "Im really sorry if I could stay I would."

"It's not your fault. You'll get to meet your other family and you'll get to get away from all this. You'll have a new start"

"What if I don't want one? What if I just want to stay in Derry and watch birds with you, or make jokes about Eddie's mom with Richie? I don't need anyone in New York, you guys are my family"

"We'll see each other again. I promise" Stan told her, and Rory stepped forward, putting her lips on Stans for a few seconds. Stan tried to cut the kiss short but Rory placed her hand on the back of Stans neck to make the kiss last longer. She finally pulled away.

"Promise?" Rory asked

"I promise" he repeated

Rory hugged him one last time before getting into the back seat of the car that was bringing them to foster care. The car started to drive off and she turned to look through the back window where Stan still stood on the sidewalk watching as the car drove further away. Rory pretended to blow a kiss at Stanley and he returned it.

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