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"Hello, sir ?.....Yes." Rubina paused and looked at Shivaay before adding, "He has aced the test."

Shivaay was dumbfounded.

"Ok sir, I'll send him in." Rubina said in to the phone before hanging up the call. She turned to Shivaay and smiled, "Mr Surya Murthy will like to meet you."

Shivaay furrowed his eyebrows. "Why ?"

Rubina chuckled at his innocence. "You're selected." She smiled. "But Mr Murthy would like to ask you a few questions himself before we give you the offer letter."

Shivaay slowly nodded as he understood what just happened.

It was all a test ! They were testing his loyalty and dedication by keeping that money envelope and giving him such a luring offer.

A smile made its way on Shivaay's lips as soon as he remembered Rubina saying he has aced the test.

Shivaay was then guided to Mr Murthy's cabin.

"Hello Shivaay." Surya smiled as soon as Rubina left Surya and Shivaay alone.

"Hello sir." Shivaay smiled politely as he watched his every movement and word.

He knew that Surya was not only judging his words but also his body movements to conclude some deductions from his body language.

Shivaay confidently walked up towards the desk and shook Murthy's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." He said with a smile.

"Pleasure's all mine." Surya nodded.

Shivaay settled down in the chair across from Surya Murthy.

"Shivaay, Rubina told me you aced the test, I'm glad to know that you are a loyal young man with ethics." Surya started. "I won't waste mine and yours time by asking you random questions."

Shivaay nodded reluctantly.

"I want you to be my son's personal assistant." Surya said as his professional tone thickened. "But there's something more to this job-" Surya paused to read Shivaay's face.

Shivaay managed to keep his face neutral but his eyes still gave away his feeling of curiosity.

"-I want you to spy on my son for me." Surya completed.

"Spy ?" Shivaay amused with raised eyebrows.

"Yes." Surya nodded. "Your job is not only to assist my son but also to bring him on the right track."

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm confused." Shivaay confessed.

"It's simple, Shivaay. You just have to be with my son and let me know what he's doing or who he is meeting." Surya replied.

"But why ? He's your son, why would you want to keep me on his tail ?" Shivaay asked.

Surya sighed. "It's only fair if I tell you the truth." He said more to himself than Shivaay.

"My son Aryan, is a wise and kind man by heart but he's been blindfolded by some misconceptions. He forces himself to believe that money is everything." Surya bit the insides of his lips. "I want to bring him on right track, Shivaay. I'm a man of my principles and ethics and I want my son to be the same."

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to, Shivaay." Surya added. "But it's not something wrong. I just want to change my son so that he doesn't end up in jail someday."

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