Secret (Almost) Lovers (Part 3)

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Loki emerged from the bathroom two minutes before they were expected at the table, looking very clean, and very moody. He perked up a bit when he saw Y/N, though, waiting for him by the door. She'd changed into the clothes she'd brought with her; Y/N also didn't care about impressing the Avengers, or the rest of the staff at Stark Tower. She dressed this way to impress Loki, because these meals were...well, frankly, the only kind of date they'd ever got to go on. It was no secret that Y/N and Loki had become friends, and everyone was okay with that; after all, Y/N was paid to spend a lot of time with him; it would be a little awkward if they didn't get along. However, people would probably start to talk if they requested to leave the tower to visit a nice restaurant. And even if their request was granted, they'd have Tony's people follow their every move. Or, in an over-protective-dad kind of way, he might even ask Thor to accompany them because it would be 'fun' and 'nice for Loki to spend some time with his brother'.

So, yes. These biweekly little staff-get-togethers were the closest thing to a night out Y/N could hope to get with Loki. At least until everyone knew they were dating, then maybe they would be given some leeway. Or separated forever. Either way, Y/N was going to make the most of whatever she could get, even if all she could get was a dinner with her boss and fellow employees.

"You're looking even more radiant than usual," Loki said, sparkling eyes sweeping up and down Y/N's form shamelessly.

She cocked an eyebrow---Y/N felt like her eyebrows spent most of their time floating around the top of her forehead when she's around Loki. "Is that another half-baked attempt at getting me to stay here?" To her surprise, Loki's handsome face softened into what could only be described as a hurt expression.

"No, I was being serious. Do you really think so little of me?"

Y/N shook her head. "No, I think that highly of you. You're intelligent enough to mould circumstances to your liking."

The slightest hint of a smug smile twitched Loki's narrow lips and Y/N added, quickly:

"Not that I want to feed your ego or anything."

His answering grin made it difficult for Y/N to look directly at him, all perfect white teeth and twinkling eyes. She almost had to squint at him as if she was staring at a particularly bright moon. 

He'd gotten closer without her noticing his approach, moving in that swift, soundless way he seemed to be able to do so easily. "Too late, Y/N. You have fed it and it is content and happy." He dipped his head low enough to hover over Y/N's mouth, tauntingly close and she, of course, tilted her own face up enough to capture his. 

She could feel the proud curl of his lips at the effect he so obviously has on her. And he does have an effect on her. She clasped her hands into tight unmoving fists clamped to her sides so she didn't give in to her desires and twist her fingers into his freshly-styled hair.

Loki was the one to break the kiss, remembering that human's need to breathe at far more regular intervals than he was currently allowing, and pulled away, gazing down at Y/N's flushed expression

"Shall we get this dinner over with?"


Here is a random fact: Upon later reflection, Y/N would realise that her and Loki's first night together was the result of one of them saying 'kumquat'.


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