0.1 Superior

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Feet padded against the Stoney ground, traveling from one hut to the next

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Feet padded against the Stoney ground, traveling from one hut to the next. "Luke, Darling is here to see you," a man announces with a low tone to the Jedi, worried he might cause a disruption in the master's work. "Shall I send her in?" Luke simply nodded his head in response. In the large, stone temple stood Luke Skywalker, a well known Jedi among the galaxy who's father is none other than the notorious Darth Vader. Across from him stood his nephew, Ben solo, a young Padwan in the hands of his uncle.

When the young woman walked into the room, Ben couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by the serene aura that caressed her every move. Luke peered over his shoulder, curious at what had caught the young Jedi's attention, however, when he saw the girl, Luke sighed heavily in exhaustion. "What is it you need?" Luke questioned as the woman crossed her arms behind her back, showing her confidence.

"I was bored," she confesses with rocking back and forth on her heels. "Perhaps you would like my assistance?" Two years ago Darling's parents were taken by a deadly disease, making her orphaned, and alone. However, while traveling along the grassy plain in search for a peaceful getaway, Ben Solo found the girl as she sat by her front doorstep, burying her lost family members. Since then, she's remained in the confinement of her hut, only stepping out to abet Skywalker in his trainings ever now and then.

"I... Well only if you're prepared. He's powerful," Luke warned as Ben stood to his feet, prepared for what the young woman had planned. Beside the venture back home, Ben hasn't spoken to Darling, nor spent much time in her presence, yet every time he saw her, he became distracted by her aura.

"Of course, master. You forget my abilities." The corners of her lips quirked up as her hands gripped the base of the fictitious lightsaber. At the sight of Darling wielding a weapon, Ben's eyes widened in shock. He never took her as the combative type, let alone one to be prowess with one. "You're... Ben, correct?" She questions as her grip tightened around the base. The man nodded as he grabbed onto a different saber that was fabricated of wood.

"Yes," he answered plainly. "And you're Darling." The woman bobbed her head, affirming that he had gotten her nickname correct. From the time she was small, it's the only name she's been labeled with, yet she didn't care much that her birth name went unmentioned with most of her acquaintances. She preferred it to go unmentioned.

Backing away, Skywalker allowed the two to compete in combat. "That's what everyone calls me, yes." Despite having numerous queries circling in his mind, he lunged forth, attempting to strike the woman, but being blocked instead. The hut was fraught with clanking as the wooden sticks beat against each other, echoing off the stone walls to increase the sonorous noises. Luke was correct, Ben had increased in his skills since Darling last observed him, but still, he remained beaten by the girl's past training. "You did well, Ben." The man turned his attention to where his fake saber laid dormant on the floor, his mind swirling with wonder. Nobody else has been able to beat him yet.

What seemed like minutes later, he responded. "I demand a rematch." Ben was too caught up in the fact that he lost to perceive the girls pleasant compliment. All he cared for now was winning, but at what cost? Smiling, the girl shook her head as she put the weapon away.

"Patience, Ben. The time will come when we dual again. You know that," she argued, noticing his hostile state as it grew. "You haven't lost to me. No, you've merely... been informed on your old boundaries. Next time you will try harder. You'll strive to be better. Tomorrow, perhaps?" Despite her protests, Ben stuck out his hand, the imitation of a lightsaber flying into his grasp.

"Don't focus on the negative, Ben. I've told you before, fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hate... hate leads to the darkness." Skywalker stepped in between the two, fully prepared to restrict his student if needed. "Step back, Ben," he demanded. Darling remained unfazed by the boys belligerence. Deep down Darling knew he had no enmity toward her, but more toward the idea that he lost, when in fact he didn't. He learned by his mistakes if anything.

Darling glanced over to Skywalker with a minuscule grin, showing the man that she was not intimidated in any way shape or form. She was only mildly startled by Ben's use of the force. "Take a walk with me, Ben," darling suggests, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"That would be unwise-"

"I would like him to join me for a walk. Honestly. It's where I find peace, maybe he will as well." For a moment, everyone stood silent, that was until Ben regained his composure, and agreed for a simple walk around the island. He walked out the opening in the hut's walls, ignoring the gir's pleased expression. "No need to worry. He'll be fine, Skywalker."

Hurriedly, Darling followed behind the upset boy as he stomped through the grass, his fists clenched to show his emotion. "Ben," she called out, placing her hand upon his shoulder. An instant wave of calmness washing over his body, riding him of all possible enmity. "You surprised me back there."

"How?" He asked as they continued walking, not bothering to question her soft touch. "You beat me. You're superior." Rolling her eyes, Darling chuckled deeply. "What? Am I wrong?"

"Terribly," she laughed. "Ben, you're force sensitive... that makes you superior in every way. Don't doubt yourself so much." The girl's words were reassuring to the boy even if he's been told the same things a million times over. "Besides, you ambition is... honorable in a sense."

"Who taught you to fight?" Ben turned his head toward the girl as they sat by the shoreline, the sound of waves crashing against the stone that held the island up becoming much louder. "You father?"

"No," Darling sighed. "My mother. I... well I'm unsure on who taught her, but she herself was an excellent teacher." memories from her childhood flashed behind her eyes, creating a sadness to overcome the chill atmosphere. "I miss them... a lot. I'm so very thankful you found me though, Ben."

"You were alone," he says. "Something about you called for me. A feeling. Most likely the force." When Ben found the girl with dirt under her fingernails, and two rocks weighing her shoulders down, his heart twisted with every beat, and his mind became fogged over with the thought of the mystery woman. "How long will you stay here?"

"My future is uncertain, I'm afraid. Master is becoming... weaker as time goes on, no? Maybe I'll stay to abet him in his teachings." Ben cocked a brow, confused why the girl insists on calling his uncle master. It was uncanny for anyone to label anyone as master these days, even with the respectful background behind it. "What will you do? Join the resistance?"

"I don't know... that's where my parents are, so maybe." Ben turned his eyes back out to the open water, his hands tucked behind his back as a zephyr blew against his exposed skin surrounding his neck and wrists.

"Ah. I believe that path would be good for you. I sense great power in you, Ben." The girl raised question with her 'senses,' but everyone knew she was anything but a true Jedi. People tended to mix her sensitivity as a use of the force, however, it was only her moving with her gut feeling once she took notice in it. Darling's assumptions always seemed to follow through, but it was just a simple, rare trait she was gifted with.

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