1.6 Rough Terrain

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Armitage sat in his chambers with his formal clothing draped over the back of the leather seating

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Armitage sat in his chambers with his formal clothing draped over the back of the leather seating. He was dressed in a black T-shirt, along with a pair of cotten black sweatpants. Hair a mess, and eyes dialated, he stared out into the galaxy through his transparent window. Life for him was a cruel joke when it came to being perceived as somebody... Just a somebody. Kylo Ren continued to treat him as a nobody, and he only showed the supreme leader that Hux was unworthy of the power he holds. There was no winning for the poor General.

Walking past the Chambers in which Hux lounged in, Kylo felt the self-loathing attitude that stunk inside of the room. Such a potent emotion that both men feel more than they like to admit. Neither could stand each other, but they were alike in more ways than they knew... Kylo stared at the door for a moment, fully admiring the darkness that enclosed around the room. When he began to walk forward, he nearly ran into the strong woman who walked down the halls in search for the lonesome, and sorrowful general. "Ben," the girl said lowly. He picked his head up, fully gazing into her brown eyes.

"I heard the announcement today," he spoke so low, but Syrana could feel his shame. "Hux-"

"Hux didn't do anything wrong, Ben," she corrected. "These games you're playing... They're inane... Silly. Leaving me as if I truly am some object or animal. I'm giving you everything I can muster." Clenching his jaw, Ben looked away. He was internally tearing apart. Snoke's wishes were interfering with his true desire to become what he needs to be in order for Syrana to feel complete. Syrana watched as his brown eyes glazed over with water, begging to roll down his cheeks. However, Ren stifled them rather quickly, and bit the inside of his cheek until it bled, the taste of iron falling around his burnt tastebuds.

"I don't... I don't want to anymore. You know my feelings for you are-"

"Fabricated out of hope you'll find yourself again? Ben... If you're truly gone... You have to let me go." It pained Syrana to speak those words, she wished so deeply that Ben wouldn't agree with her statement. All she wanted was for him to acknowledge her hurt, and her undying love for him. There was nothing more she would wish for... Even in her last moments. "If all that remains is Kylo Ren... Syrana Xlater never even existed in the first place."

After a moment of a long gaze frought of displeasure, and pure sorrow, Kylo walked away from the fragile girl whose eyes began to seep water, and her heart twisting in multiple directions until she was sure it broke into small fragments. From behind his door Hux listened to the entirety of the conversation, anguish flowing through his veins. His enmity toward Kylo Ren only stacked higher with each insult he threw at Syrana and himself. When the woman's knees fell against the floor, Hux quickly opened his door to see the distraught woman whose hair was now completely whitened. The man didn't say a word as he neared her.

"I..." Speaking seemed so foreign as her body attempted to figure out why it felt so shut down. The general shook his head, and outstretched his hand toward Syrana in an act of care. Her eyes spoke for herself, scared that if she took his hand she'd only further the resentment Kylo has created.

"You don't have to say anything, Darling." Taking his hand, she stood to her feet and followed him to his chambers. Inside was an organized room with no separate rooms aside from the wash room. The layout was similar to Syrana's, but had more space to roam around in, along with a built in bar. "He's the scummiest man I've ever come into contact with, I'm afraid." Seeing Hux stand alone natural, and slouched was different to Syrana. She almost felt uncomfortable seeing him so relaxed. "Tell me, are you in love with him still?"

Grabbing the cup of a blue carbonated drink, Syrana nodded her head while almost allowing her white hair to dip into the liquid she held. "Love doesn't cease just because the feelings aren't reciprocated, general." With a shallow sigh, Hux sat across from her into an arm chair. "Ben... I'll never not love him..."

"I don't understand," he admits after swallowing his sip of alcohol. "He's trash. A cretin underserving of any feeling so pure-"

"No." For the first time Syrana interrupted Hux with a powerful tone. "Hux, he is so much more than you know. You didn't know him when he was Ben Solo. When his heart was full of admiration. Plus, nobody is undeserving of love. Not even a weasel like yourself. You'll just have to find somebody with a high pain tolerance."

"Yes... I suppose so... What was he like before? Mischievous I suppose." Hux had his suspicions about younger Ren, but thinking of him as one time being a jedi with good intention was... Strange. Shaking her head, Syrana let out a shallow chuckle as her memories flowed through her mind.

"He was... So beautiful. I know that's not a word we really use to describe guys, but that's what he was. Ben's will to become stronger was spectacular. There really is no way to explain him like he deserved other than saying he was such a beautiful, light hearted person. Truly, he was." Images of the man he use to be hid behind her eyelids, forcing her tears to become stronger as they slid down her face. "Why do you even care? I thought you hated the both of us."

"I never said I didn't," Hux laughed. "No, truly I do resent the both of you, but... I don't know exactly." Both of them sat in complete confusion. "Are you okay to be alone?" His eyebrows knitted together as he stood, his hand gesturing out to the young woman with sad eyes. Slowly, Syrana nodded her head, and stood to her feet so her black boots could fully press against the metal flooring."Honestly?"

Her teeth clamped down onto her bottom lip, drawing blood almost instantly from the lack of water she's been drinking. "Honestly? No, not at all, yet... I'll survive another night alone, entrapped upon this base."

"Hmm. Disturbing how I really don't care," Hux joked for only a moment until he saw her concerned face. Syrana really shouldn't be shocked by his crude humor, especially not now. "I can walk you back to your chambers, but it's against code for you to sleep here along side me."

"You needn't worry, General. I... I wasn't planning on it."

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