1.5 White Hair, Dark thoughts

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Stepping out upon the black stage, Syrana felt her knees turn into jello, and her mind into mush

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Stepping out upon the black stage, Syrana felt her knees turn into jello, and her mind into mush. Seeing these many troopers that lined the flooring sickened her, reminding her of a time where she would rather die than join the First Order. Never in a million years had she desired to side with the enemies she's sworn against... but her fragile love had her by the neck. She stood still for a moment, gazing out upon the plethora of men in white armor who had blasters in front of their chests, prepared for battle. In quadrants stood other troopers dressed in pitch black armor, their arms flexed down to their sides. Red flags stood between the two different parties, and TIE fighters outlined the formation in which they stood in.

General Hux yielded once he realized Syrana was no longer behind him, and played it off as a routine they planned out. "Princess," he seethed through clenched teeth practically begging the woman to continue walking to center stage. Syrana widened her eyes, and continued walking behind the general until they stood upfront and dead center on the stage. Phasma stood behind them along with their captain troopers, holding protection over the two speakers. "Today is the end of the Republic," Hux began, his arms behind his back. Keeping her eyes glued to the man beside her, Syrana let her hands rest behind her back as well, copying whatever he did in order to seem important or well respected. "The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder." The redheaded man continued on to further explain the system that will soon destroy the republic, and force them to bow to their feet. Peering away, Syrana felt herself fade into reality for only a moment. "As the Resistance loses their people, we gain them. Along side Kylo Ren stands Princess Xlater, his most prized possession." Her face reddened at the explanation of who she was.

"I am no possession, General," she says with hostility through a smile. "I deserve respect even from you, General." Hux's lips quirked up into a half-smile as he gazed out into the copious number of stormtroopers. "Address me as you will, but I am no possession." The man continued on with the remainder of his speech, and then marched off the stage along side the princess. "What was that? You ask me to stand beside you then openly disrespect me? You're mental." The two stopped walking in the midst of a hallway, ignoring everyone else that surrounded them. Staring down into the woman's brown eyes, Hux sighed heavily with irritation. "Speaking to me with such disrespect will only encourage everyone else to do the same."

"I wasn't disrespecting you, princess," he spat. "It was Ren who labeled you with such coarseness." She truly loathed Hux with all that she had. Nobody else in the entire galaxy held as much hatred against this man other than her. Not even the Resistance. "Control your envy. Your hair is only growing whiter each day." A corner of Hux's lip twitched as he spoke so harshly with disgust. It was true, Syrana's natural pitch black hair was accented with white streaks, catching the eye of many even when she attempted to hide it away with putting her hair up, or using gold hair accessories to hide the white hairs. Cupping her hand, she pressed it gently against Hux's face. For a moment he stood confused as to why she gazed so long into his arctic blue eyes, and why she was being so gentle with him when he spoke with such a vile tone. He relaxed into her touch once he realized she held no intent on hitting him, or scolding him.

"Never again," she hissed, pulling back her hand only for it to slap against his pale skin. Hux flinched at the impact, and his mind became poisoned with embarrassment, and self loathing. "Will you label me as though I am some object, General," she continued further with her sentence. He watched as she walked away, his own hand soothing the area that was now red from Syrana's hand. When she had rested her hand on his upper arm days ago he was relieved from his hatred, and anger... But this time it took all those feelings away only for them to be replaced with sorrow, and self hatred. All he's ever recieved has been abuse from his deciples or family... It was enough to make anyone bitter.

Returning to her chambers, Syrana fell back onto her bed in hopes that her head would cease with all these ill thoughts. This serenity that use to flow around her was dissipating with each act she committed against the light that called her name. It took everything in her to stand by her true love... Her soulmate. Ben was the only name that rang through her head whenever she had doubts, or when she felt the need to be cradled. Nights at the top of the hill would replay in her mind, causing tears to gather in her brown eyes before shrinking away.

History always seemed to repeat itself in ways nobody could ever understand. Anakin once fell in love with a young woman who he had to hide away his true feelings for, and because of this woman's safety he became envolved with a sith lord. The Emperor Palpatine. Ben... Well he fell for a young woman as well, but her heart was too small to understand that he could never truly love her over his ambition and need for revenge. Darkness grew with each mistake they both made, ultimately inspiring the change for both of them. A change that could destroy the galaxy. They both had power of different sorts, and used together was enough to break the fine line between the balance of good and evil. Death, and life itself would be terminated. Only they would stand upon the ground of the last planet to survive. Or at least that what Ben saw in his dreams.

With a sigh, Syrana grabbed onto the empty can of an old carbonated drink and threw it into the recycle bin by her door, soon walking out into the desolate hallway. A group of stormtroopers passed by her, causing a disruption in her thought process. All her life she was taught to fear the troopers that could've potentially found her. Now she'd have to succumb her trepidation to the men in white armor, and realize she had the power to order them around if needed. "Phasma," the princess greeted the captain with a slight nod of her head.

"You did well on your speech today, Princess Xlater. Hux was expecting your correction." Had Kylo not named Syrana as an object, Hux would've never openly said it upon the stage, but it was what Kylo said. Hux was sure that the princess would've disagreed with her lover's words, and he couldn't keep them hidden away like he does everything else. Syrana's head hung low for a second, her nose pointed down to the floor with embarrassment. "If you're searching for Kylo, he's out upon the planets surface-"

"No, no actually... I'm looking for Hux."

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