A Day at the Compound

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This chapter basically sets the story up. You don't have to read this for the story, but it explains things :)

(Y/n)'s POV

"Good morning Miss Rogers! Star-Spangled Dad and Metal Dad made breakfast and would like for me to inform you that everything is ready." FRIDAY announces and wakes you up from your sleep.

 You chuckle to yourself at the nicknames you told FRIDAY to call your dads by. Looking over at your clock it reads 8:30 am. Dang. Peter probably won't like waking up early on a Sunday. You thought to yourself.

 "Peter is gonna get a nice wake-up call," you murmur to yourself. 

Although you're very tired, you hop off of your bed and scurry like a mouse to Peter's room. You stop in the bathroom and fill up a cup full of ice-cold water. Running down the hall like a madwoman, you stop at Peter's room and slowly creep the door open. Making sure to not make any noise, you sneak to Peter's bed and dump the whole cup of water on him.

Peter's POV

"(Y/n) I really like you", I say quietly. She looks up from her desk, "What". She heard me with her damn enhanced hearing. "I like you. A lot," I say louder this time. (Y/n) looks at me directly with her beautiful (e/c) eyes and says, "I...

My dream is interrupted by getting drenched with ice-cold water. I look up and see (Y/n) looking at me laughing like the maniac she is. 

I shoot up in my bed very awake and express, "FRIDAY could have woken me up!" 

"But this was sooooo much better," she says back while holding back laughs. 

"Yeah this is hilarious," I say stiffly while getting up from my bed to change into a dry shirt. I take my shirt off to change and (Y/n) turns beet red and turns instantly. 

"Mr. Parker and Miss Rogers. Captain Rogers and Sargeant Barnes have requested your presence in the common room." FRIDAY announces in my room.

 "Thanks, FRI. Tell them we'll be right there," (Y/n) turns back to me and says, "They made breakfast."

 "What time is it even?" I ask sleepily. 

"It's 8:45. You have a clock for a reason Pete," (Y/n) responds sarcastically. I roll my eyes and scoff. We both leave my room and walk to the elevator.

Third Person POV

They stumble off the elevator both looking very tired. "Good morning sleepyheads," Steve announces. 

"Just because you guys wake up at the crack of dawn does not mean you have to wake us up too," (Y/n) responds. 

"Yeah, yeah. Peter, why's your hair wet?" Bucky asks with a puzzled look on his face.

 "Your daughter decided to give me a wonderful wake-up call this morning," Peter answered while staring down (Y/n). 

Steve, Bucky, and (Y/n) start laughing. Peter pouts and sits down at the table. The four wait for the rest of the Avengers to enter the common room. Steve decided that they must always wait for everyone to arrive to eat. He's a bit old-fashioned. One by one they all trickle in. Clint, always being late, drags himself across the kitchen to the table. Everyone makes some small talk. Some are a bit salty that Steve and Bucky woke them up this early.

(Y/n)'s POV

You look around at your family and are so grateful for having them. If they would have never rescued you from the evils of HYDRA, you'd probably still be a murderer. Or worse. Dead

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