The One That Got Away

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Ryan's POV

I can't believe this is happening. I'm being fired. I know I'm not that good at Thai, but I'm trying. The crew thinks it's the best because I was slowing down the shoots. But that doesn't even make sense. They had a voiceover for me. But I can't do anything. They said that I had one day to get my things and leave.

I walk out of the room and see Inntouch. I'm going to have to say bye to him. I can't believe I'm losing my best friend and my partner. He helped me through a lot, while being here. He helped me when I was feeling down and even helped me with Thai. He's the one person in the world that understands me.

"Hey. What did they talk about?" "Inntouch." "Yeah?" "I'm being fired." "What!? Why?!" "It's because I was holding up the production and I don't know Thai that well." "So does that mean you're leaving me?!" He said on the verge of crying. "Sadly yes. They said I had a day to pack up all the things and leave." "But I don't want you to leave." "I don't want to leave either Inntouch. How about this. We make a promise. From now on we talk to each other every day." "Yeah. But what about our schedules? They're both different." "I'll arrange time to talk to you. Ok?" "Ok. I'm going to miss you." "I'll miss you too Inntouch."

And before I knew it I was back on a flight to China leaving my best friend behind.

It's sucks. I can't see him for 6 months because of the stupid contract I signed. Why did I sign it!? I can be so stupid sometimes. I just hope Inntouch doesn't forget about me.

Inntouch's POV

I can't believe that my best friend just left me. How could he!?!? I'm mad because of the crew. They shouldn't have hired him in the first place if they weren't going to keep him. So now what!? What's for season 2? Will I get another love interest? Will I be straight again? What? Even if I do get another love interest it won't be the same. No one could replace Ryan. But now he's the one that got away.


Hey guys how did you like the first part!? Did you like it? You know I never thought I would be writing a fanfiction about Ryan and Inntouch. I got inspired because they both said that they missed each other and I watched Ryan's live about how he said that Inntouch is his partner. And the song that is up top, I think it goes with their story. Ryan went back to China and now they can't see each other. He just left. The said part is that they don't follow each other on social media. But anyway I hope you guys liked this.

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