You're Awake!?

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Izzy's POV(Ryan's Sister)

2 months! It's been 2 months since Ryan's been in the car crash. 2 months since I haven't heard my brothers voice. But it's been 2 months since Inntouch has seen Ryan. I wonder how he's doing. I mean we text each other everyday. Inntouch tells me what scenes they did that day and everything about work. Every time there's meant to be a scene with Ryan his voice starts to break. I mean that's the thing about acting, you build amazing friendships or maybe something more, sometimes. But the thing I want to tell Inntouch, I can't. It's not my place to tell him how Ryan feels about him. It's not my place to tell people that he's gay, bi, pan, etc. He needs to do that on his own time.

I kinda had a feeling that he liked Inntouch. I mean the day he said he got the role he was excited. He came over the day after he found out. He also brought Inntouch, so we could get to know him, since they would be spending a lot of time together. Then when they were shooting he would call me and go off about every little thing Inntouch did. It was so cute, and at that moment I kinda figured that he had fallen hard for Inntouch. I wasn't really sure till I found out that one day.

3 Months Ago

I picked up the phone and hit the contact that said "Ryan".

"Hey sis, what do you need?" "I just wanted to ask if we could hang out at your place today." "Yeah, sure. You could come over now if you want." "Ok I'll be there in 30 minutes, love you." "Love you too."

30 minutes later

I finally got to Ryan's place. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. Ryan came out and answered it. I walked in and sat on the couch.

"Hey I need to take a shower really quickly. I'll be done in like 10 minutes." "Okay."

He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I decided to go into his room and look around at it because I haven't been to his new place yet. I sat on the bed and looked around at the walls. He had a bunch of poster of artist. I looked over at the desk and saw a note book. Me bring me I decided to open it.

I looked at the first page and started to read it.

Dear Diary,
Today was amazing. Today we were filming episode 9. Throughout the whole day I was in a good mood, until it was getting close to the kissing scene with Inntouch. I was getting really nervous, but I was happy. I had discovered that I liked him a little while ago, but dare didn't tell him. I mean if I did he wouldn't want to be around me anymore. And what about my family? I haven't even told them that I like him. I mean I hope they won't disown me. But anyway the kiss that I had with Inntouch was amazing. His lips were soft and it was everything you could wish for. I'm happy he stole my first real kiss and acting kiss. 4-27-19

Wow. So he really does like Inntouch. And he's scared that we won't accept him. I probably should act like I didn't read this because I don't want him to hate me. I then heard the water to the shower stop. I got out of his room and into the living room.

End of flashback

Ryan's POV (his moms name is Rose and his dads name is Dave)

"Dave what are we meant to do! It's been 2 months and he's still not awake." I heard my mom say. Wait I can hear her! "Honey I don't know. We just have to wait till he wakes up." "That's the thing what if we doesn't." "He will honey we just have to wait. Now calm down."

What to they mean I'm here, right? Wait why is it dark? Where is everyone?

"This is all Inntouch's fault! If he would've just gotten a cab then my baby wouldn't be hurt!" Mom said.

This isn't Inntouch's fault. I then started to breath heavily and started to shake. What's happening? And I dying? I then start to see a ceiling. Wait am I waking up? I then move my head and start to see my parents!? I then see my bed.

"Hello?" I said. "RYAN!" My mom said.

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