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Ryan's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off. I looked over and it read 9:30 am. I got out of bed and splashed water on my face. I look in the mirror and smiled. I can't believe I'm going to meet him. Like I'm really going to meet him. I then walked out of the bathroom and to my bedroom. I looked for clothes that would work for today. I thought about a suit, but that would be too much. I decided to go with a white shirt, black pants, and a jean jacket.(Up top). I thought it would maybe make him like me more. I mean I just realized that I like Inntouch in more of a friend way. I look over at the clock again and it was 10 am. I should chill for a little and leave at 11:30, since it would take me at least and hour. I started to watch Dark Blue KISS because I was behind on it.

Inntouch's POV

My alarm started ringing in my ears. I was excited for today because it was our first live fan met. I jumped out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then got my hair ready. I walked out and got changed. I decided to go with a black top and jeans. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:30. I should probably leave, since I have to be there at 11:30. I live about a half and hour away from the place we are meant to be at. I just don't want to traffic. I then sat down and thought about him. I haven't thought about him in a while. When I wasn't think about him I felt like I was missing something. I feel empty. I wish I could see him, but he hasn't called or texted, so I don't know if he wants anything to do with me. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 10:45.

"Crap." I whispered to myself. I need to leave. I left my house and hopped into my car.

It was about 11:20 when I got there. I went into the building about saw everyone talking. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Inntouch." They all said. "So what were you guys talking about? Anything important?" "No just about food." Shane said. "Ah. Ok." I said.

The crew called us all over and told us the plan. They said that we would start by us singing each of our songs. Shane and MD would be singing together, Polly and Cooper would be singing together, and Laylay and Perth would be singing together. I would be singing by myself because Ryan's not here. I was fine with it. Then we would sing some more. Then have a Q an A. Then play some games. And then finally sing one last song. We were going to start at 12:30.

About a half and hour later the place was full. The crew was putting mics on us. I was going to sing last. The song I picked to sing was "The one that got away" By Katy Perry. I mean it represents Ryan and I's relationship. The crew then rushed me out on stage. I looked out and saw a ton of people.

That was the scariest thing I had ever done. Before I knew it we were playing the games.

Ryan's POV

When I arrived the crew told me to be quiet. It was about 1:10 when I arrived. They said that it was the last game. Inntouch was winning. I then was rushed by the curtain. And then I heard , "Ok Inntouch. Since you won we have a surprise for you. You have to close your eyes, though." "Ok." Inntouch said. Oh that voice. I haven't heard it in forever. I was then pushed out on the stage. And there I was. Standing in front of him. I was smiling like crazy. Then the host counted down from 3 to 1. "Ok everyone count down from 3 to 1." She said. "3.2.1." And he opened his eyes. As soon as he saw me he hugged me like it was the last time I would see him. I hugged back obviously. I pulled away for a second and saw him crying. I then realized that it was happy tears. I wiped away some of his tears which had the crowed screaming. He then started to speak. "How did you- why did you-." "I did it because I wanted to see you. The way I did it is I called the crew. Everyone in here knew about this, but you." "I've missed you." I said on the verge of tears. "Ive missed you too." He said. That then reminds me.

"Hey guys I have a question for all of you, well mostly Inntouch." I turn to him and ask "Can I be your hubby again?" He started at me and hugged me again. "YES!" He screamed. By now I was crying. But I knew they had to finish the fan meeting. I pushed him away. I looked him in the eyes and said , "I'll be backstage for the rest of the meeting. You have to finish it. After you're done we'll go out to eat. Sound good?" "Yeah." He said. I wiped the rest of his tears. My body then took over and I kissed him on the forehead. The crowd was screaming. I then went backstage for the rest of the show waiting for him.

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