Get Out of My Head... And Dreams

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3rd Person POV

Ryan was sleeping peacefully. He started to drift into a dream. The dream was about when he was still working on set with all the cast and crew. He looked around and spotted one boy in particular, Inntouch. He walked up to him and asked, "How am I back in Thailand? I don't remember leaving." "What do you mean?" Inntouch asked. "I mean I left Thailand a month ago and now I'm back?!" "Are you okay?" Inntouch asked." "Yeah?" "Well you're really not. You never left Thailand." "But the crew they fired me." "No they didn't. We're filming the second season of My Engineer." "We are?" "Yeah. Dang you must have hit your head hard." "Yeah I guess I must have."

"Ryan, Inntouch stop messing around and get on set. Your scene is up next." One crew member said.

"What scene?" Ryan asked. "The make out scene." Inntouch said. "The what scene!?" Ryan said.

"Guys stop messing around and get out here!" A crew member yelled.

"We have to go out." Inntouch said.

Ryan's POV

"Ok you guys ready? Ok action!" A crew member said.

"Mek. You know I have loved you for a while, so I was wondering do you want to go on a date?" "YES!" I exclaimed.

After I said that Inntouch's face came really close to mine. His lips only a few centimeters away. I leaned in and-RING!

I shot straight up at the sound of my alarm going off. "UH!! stupid alarm!!!" After I said that I thought about what I said. "Wait. Did I want to kiss him? Do I like him?" I said to myself. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. "Nope. I'm not thinking about him today." I said. "I'm going to have a nice relaxing day."

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