Epilogue/ 3 Years Later 

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Ryan's POV

"Hey babe can you get the laundry from the dryer, I need to take care of the kids." Inntouch yelled. "Yeah babe."

Oh. Hi. Didn't see you there. It's been a little while, huh. I think I should catch you up.

3 years ago

"Okay! That's a wrap guys. We'll wait and see if we'll do a season 3. But in the meantime do whatever you want." The crew member said.

I looked over at Inntouch. "So, now that this is all done what do you want to do? I was think we should move in together." "Well funny you say that. I was think the same thing." "Great minds think alike, huh." "Yeah."

"Oh would you to stop being lovey dovey." Shane said. "Oh please you and MD act like this everyday." Inntouch said.

Yeah turns out everyone feel inlove with their partner. It's was first Polly and Cooper, Inntouch and I, Perth and Taylay, and then Shane and MD.

"We do not!" Shane said in defense. "Yes we do." MD said as he came up behind Shane and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Okay, we'll leave you two alone now, we have to get back and take care of our dogs."

"So, are we going to move into my place, since it bigger?" I said. "We could, but the walls aren't that sound prove, I would hate to get kicked out." Inntouch said. "You're such a tease. But you do have a point. But there's not really anyone around." I said. "Okay then, we'll move into you're place."

3 months later

And just like that time flew. Inntouch and I were now living together with 2 cats. My engineer season 2 has hit it big and we have fan meeting coming up. I should also probably mention Inntouch hasn't been feeling well. He's been puking in the morning and has been gaining weight( not that I care). I just thought he was getting a cold or the flu, but I was so wrong.

"Hey babe come here!" He said loudly. I walked back into the bathroom. "What is i-." That's when I looked at his hand. A pregnancy test that read positive. My mind slowly started to process this. "Wait. You're pregnant! Oh my gosh you're pregnant! I'm going to be a dad! Oh my I need to go out and get stuff and baby prof the house and get you food!" "Babe. Calm down. We still have a little while." "Yeah, you're right.

And before I new it I had a little baby girl. She looked just like Inntouch and had my eyes.

We then decided to have another baby. This time it was a boy. We were all a happy family.

Present Time

I went downstairs to get the laundry and fed the cats. I then went upstairs and saw Inntouch on the couch with his laptop.

"Hey babe." "Yeah?" "Turns out My Engineer is going to have a season 3." "Really!?" "Yeah. The crew emailed me asking if we still wanted to do it even though we have kids." "I mean your mom doesn't live far from here, so she could watch them when we go out and film." "Yeah, she could." "Okay I'm going to go put the laundry away."

As soon as I got into the room I looked in the place I put the ring. Thank goodness it's there. If we would have found it everything would have gone downhill.

Babe. I'm going to call my mom. It looks like they want us to be at the beach tomorrow at 5:30." "Okay."

The next day came so fast and I was shaking. I knew what was happening today, but Inntouch didn't. It was 4:00 and Inntouch and I were getting ready. His mom had already taken the kids at 11:00. Inntouch decided to drive to the beach. When we got there the sun was setting just as I hoped.

We got to the sand. Inntouch was happy because we haven't been to the beach in forever. "Hey look over there a dolphin." "Where." I quickly got down on one knee. "There's no dolphin." He said as he turned around.

"Inntouch. You mean the world to me. With every second that passes I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. From the moment I saw you in the audition room I knew you were the one. And with each and every passing day I got tired of calling to you my boyfriend. Which is why I'm doing this. I don't want to call you my boyfriend I want to call you my fiancé or soon to be husband, so Inntouch. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" He yelled. I heard clapping around us, but that didn't matter. I got up and kissed my fiancé. Fiancé. Who knew that could be such an amazing word.
The End

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book. I had a fun time writing it. I know it wasn't that long, but I thought I did a good job. I want to know what you thought. Did you like it or was it to cringey? Also I am open to take suggestions on writing a book about a ship. But in the meantime I would like to recommend a series to you. It's on Netflix. It's called Julie and the Phantoms. It's really good. 9/10. Well until next time, bye guys.

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