I did it. I followed my heart

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Ryan's POV

Before I knew it I called the dude again. I told him I was on my way to Thailand in order to play Mek again. I can't believe I did that. I'm leaving my family again, but they understand. I still feel like I'm being selfish. I shut my eyes for a little and drifted off to sleep.

2 hours later

I was woken by the plane landing. I scared me for a second because I forgot that I was on a plane. As soon as the plane landed I got up and grabbed my stuff. I ran out of that plane as fast as I could. Once I got outside of the airport I hailed a cab. I told him to go to the hotel that was closest to the place we where shooting at before.

When I arrived I checked into a room. As soon as I got sat down on the bed I got a phone call from the dude. (A/N let's pretend that the series is over and they are doing the in person fan meets) "Hello." I said. "Hey, Ryan I was just calling to let you know that the crew are doing a fan meet tomorrow and was wondering if you wanted to come?" "Yeah I would love to." "Ok great let me just tell everyon-." "Wait no. Don't tell Inntouch at least. I want to surprise him." "Ok I'll tell ever but him. So what did you have in mind?" "I was think about after he won a challenge you could say you have a surprise for him. You guys tell him to close his eyes and I walk out quietly. And when he opens his eyes I'll be there. But we have to tell the crowd first." "You know what kid that could work. I'll contact everyone and get it figured out. Just make sure you're at 1457 Avenue East Lincoln in Bangkok by 1:15 pm, ok son." "Ok. Thank you. Wait I never got your name." "Dave." "Ok thank you ,Dave." And I hung up. I can't believe I'll see him. This is going to be a sleepless night.

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