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Rose POV

I look at the time and saw its only 5:30pm. I finished my food and stared at Dimitri "Let's get married." I said Dimitri stopped eating his food and raised an eyebrow at me "Your already my fiancé Roza." I chuckled and said "No, I mean, lets get right now." Dimitri stared at me and I pouted at him "Why?" he asked "Well I don't want to wait anymore you know, I want to make it official." I said "Are you sure?" I nodded my head and said "100% sure comrade, we can buy the rings at Pandora and go to a chapel. Its still early." Dimitri wiped his mouth and continued to stare at me 'if you don't want to its okay." I said taking a piece of his food.

"Where are you going?" I asked since he suddenly stood up. This man is confusing me! "How are we suppose to get married if we don't have our rings right?" Dimitri said smiling at me. I bit my bottom lip, stood up and kissed his lips. "Your food though." I said pointing at his food since there's still pieces of chicken breasts and salad. Roza I don't care about that anymore, lets go. I'm excited."Dimitri said holding my hand and we happily walked towards the mall "Comrade, Pandora is that way." I said Dimitri shook his head and said "No, we are going to Cartier." I widen my eyes and he winked at me.

We walked in Cartier and looked around for a wedding ring that suits out taste. "Hmm how about this one?" I said pointing at the gold ring that has 3 small diamonds on it. Dimitri shook his head and pointed at another pair of ring I looked at it and its perfect. Its a gold ring and its band is surrounded with diamonds. "We'll take it." Dimitri said giving the lady his credit card. "Hmm I love it." I said he smiled and kissed my forehead.

After we left Cartier we decided to get married at Oaks Pioneer Church. "So that's why your wearing a dress." Dimitri said I laughed because he right. I am wearing a light blue off the shoulder dress with a silver belt and heels while Dimitri is just wearing a blue sweater, black pants and black boots. "Well I've been thinking about it since we arrived here." I said he smiled and kissed my hand. After a few minutes we arrived at Oaks Pioneer Church and talked to the lady on the front desk. She was able to find an available priest and we sat on the phew while waiting for the priest to come.

"Are you excited?" I asked he smiled and said "I've been looking forward to this day my love." I giggled and said "Its even more romantic since its night and its jus the two of us!" Dimitri chuckled and said "I never knew you were a romantic type of person." I chuckled and said "Blame Netflix." A priest then came in and smiled at us "Let's get you two married shall we?"

Dimitri POV

"I Dimitri Belikov take you Rosemarie Nicole Hathaway Mazur Ozera to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, and this I forever promise." I said inserting the ring on to her finger. Rose took the ring and smiled at me before saying "I Rosemarie Nicole Hathaway Mazur Ozera take you Dimitri Belikov to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, and this I forever promise." she inserted the ring on my hand and the priest smiled at us "Well then I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may now kiss your wife." I pulled Rose closer to me and kissed her soft lips. "I love you." I murmured "I love you too."

The priest was kind enough to take a photo of me and Rose since it was just the three of us and we also took a picture with the priest. We left the chapel and Rose snuggled closer to me when we got in the car "Cold." I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Hmm lets go home....husband." Rose said smirking at me "Okay...wife." I said winking at her.


Lissa POV

"You okay?" I turn around and saw Jill, I held her hand and looked at the window. "They're leaving now, thanks to them I got my throne back. I already dealt with the council and I have earned their full support and respect. Mr. Dashkov will be transferred by the Voda Family to a prison cell in Hill Castle. Every thing is slowly getting back to normal." I said "Hmm not every thing. Our friends are still..." Jill stopped talking and I raised an eyebrow "Can't find the exact word huh?" I said Jill nodded her head and I smiled a bit "Me too." after staring at the window we decided to go to the banquet area and when I entered the room all of our friends are there and they suddenly became quiet.

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