Chapter 11

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Mew and Gulf did not let anyone know that they know each other. They had their drinks quietly whilst Oat, Mild and Jenny held conversations. They were awkwardly watching each other; they didn't have anywhere to look since they were opposite each other.

"So how did you guys meet?" Mild asked as he looked at Mew and Oat.

"We met in Taiwan." Oat replied as he pulled Mew into a side hug.

Gulf looked at Mew. Had Mew lied about waiting?

"Weren't you supposed to come back after 2 more years? What happened?" Mild kept on asking.

"I fell in love." Oat said as he kissed the back of Mew's hand.

Gulf finished his drink in one go. "Excuse me. I'm going to the bathroom." Gulf excused himself.

Mew finished his drink too. He turned to Oat. "I'm going to the bathroom too." He pecked his boyfriend's lips.

"You want me to come with?" Oat asked as he held Mew's thigh, giving it a slight squeeze..

Mew leaned in and whispered in Oats ear. "P' don't be naughty. How about later tonight? Just you and I."

"You promise?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

Oat pecked Mew's lips one more time and let him go. Mew went to the bathroom. He met Gulf coming out of the bathroom and said,

"May I have a word with you?"

"Is there anything to say p'? Or you want to lie about how you waited for me again?"

"I can explain."

"I don't want to hear it." Gulf was angry. "How can you make me feel bad for having moved on when you did too."

"I didn't move on. Can we please go outside I can explain"

Gulf agreed and they went outside.

"Please be fast. I don't want my wife to get suspicious."

"P' waited for you. That is true. I rejected him at first because I wanted to come to you. When I came back, he followed me here. He was supposed to stay there for two more years but came back early. I accepted him after finding out you were married."

Gulf was still angry.

"What did you want me to do Nong? I needed someone too."

"Yeah I'm glad you found someone." Gulf said as he walked in the building.

Mew walked in too. He bumped into Mild who was coming out of the bathroom. Mild looked at Gulf going inside the bar and looked at Mew. He tilted his head and squinted his head in thought.

"Are you going in too?" He asked.


They walked together.

"Do you guys know each other?"

"No. We don't."

"Ok." Mild said as they all headed to the bar.

When they got there, they sat down and started making plans for the following day.

"What do we do tomorrow?" Oat asked.

"Let's find somewhere to play." Was Mild's reply.

"It's been a while since I've been to the beach." Jenny said as she refilled her glass.

"I'm glad I chose this place. There's a beach a few minutes away. We can go and spend the day. Is that okay with you Nong?" Oat asked Mew gently.

Mew nodded. "Yes, it is p'"

"Wow, you really are in love." Mild made a comment after seeing his brother being soft.

"You can't blame me. He is just a lovely human who deserves all the love there is."

Gulf started frantically coughing on the alcohol he just drank. He was not having a good time at all. It was supposed to be him seated right next to Mew but he messed it up.

"I think I've had enough drinks for the day. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Gulf said as he wiped his mouth getting up from the table.

"But darling, I want to stay here some more."

"You can stay here I'm heading up." Gulf kissed his wife's cheek and muttered a see you in a bit.

Mew watched as Gulf walked away feeling awkward at the situation, he had landed in. He thought he was never going to see the boy but seeing him again just made him realize that feelings don't get washed away like dirt.

The following day, the group of five drove to the beach. Gulf, Jenny and Mild drove in one car and Oat and Mew drove in another.

It was a good day to hangout at the beach. They already had their swimming suits on. Jenny wore a swimming suit under a beach dress. The boys had shorts and and beach shirts on. When they got there, they parked their cars right next to each other. They popped their trunks open and got ready for the day.

They put on sunscreen and Mew took off his shirt altogether. He was proud of his abs. He sprayed sunscreen on his chest and tried to put some on his back.

"You need help with that hun?" Oat asked as he went behind Mew.

"Yes please." Mew said as he handed Oat the sunscreen.

Oat got the sunscreen spray and started spraying Mew's back. He used his hand to spread the sunscreen on the skin. He turned Mew around and spread the sunscreen on his chest. It was not necessary, but he just wanted to feel him.

Gulf turned around to see the man feeling Mew's chest. He clenched his teeth and walked in their car. He did not close the door and the side mirror got the perfect view of Mew's chest. He could feel something going on in his pants. It was not ideal to get turned on in these shorts.

He didn't want to see anymore.

He turned his head.

His eyes met a pair of other eyes.

Letting him know, they had seen what just happened.

The eyes looked at his shorts and saw the bump.

They looked away disappointed.

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