Chapter 13

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Ten minutes after the departure of Mew, Oat realized he had the key to their room.

"Shoot. I have the keys to our hotel room." He said out loud halting the steps of the other two.

"I think I have to go down too."

"How about I go p'" Mild asked as he took the key from his brother's hands. "They took your car and left mine, so I'll go."

Oat looked at Jenny, "is that ok if you're left with me?"

"Sure I don't mind p'. I would like to hear stories of his childhood."

"You're asking the right person."

"Not the embarrassing stories p'" Mild complained.

"Definitely the embarrassing ones." Jenny replied

Mild went down thinking of doing a one on one with Mew. He had never seen his brother act that way, caring about a person like that. He came down the mountain planning a thank you speech in his head. Planning to request earnestly that he take care of his brother's heart. When he got to the hotel, he thought he was going to see the two lounging around in the lobby, but he saw no sign of them. His next thought was maybe they were in Gulf's room, but he had to check Mew's room first to make sure.

He opened the door and peeked his head inside. He looked at the mirror hung on the wall and on it he saw something that confirmed his suspicions. He felt betrayed and angry on behalf of his brother.

He had seen the way they reacted when they first saw each other with Mew breaking the glasses, he had seen them chatting outside when he went to the bathroom after the two. When he asked Mew if they knew each other he straight up denied and lied to his face. He had seen the way their eyes lingered on each other in attraction. He had seen Gulf looking at Mew through the side mirror at the beach and his hard-on. He had seen it all. But this was the greatest confirmation of them all. He closed the door quietly and went outside feeling angry at the two. How could mew do that to his brother and how could Gulf do that his friend? Most of all how was he going to tell his brother that his boyfriend was cheating with his friend's husband.

He didn't go back inside the hotel. He walked around the rest of the day and went back when he thought it was safe to.

Mew arrived at Elevate 2 before sunset. He went to his office and the supervisor came to his office.

"Which computers crashed?" He asked

"Local storage sir."

"For which section?"


"Do we have a backup?"

"Yes, we do but not for the last three months."

"Is there a chance that it can recovered?"

"Yes. But we need to outsource IT experts. Our team has failed to recover the data in the specified period of recovery after the incident occurred."

"Are you telling me we have incompetent IT team?"

"The nature of the case is quite unique."

" I Understand."

Mew went to IT offices. When he got there, the staff in the room got up and offered the man a seat.

"What's the way forward?" He asked as he joined his hands and brought them to his lips. Sitting elegantly on the chair.

"We suspect that it's an issue of space. If you allow us to transfer past data on external storage"

"We are not doing manual storage. This is 2020. You should know"

"Another option is buying one drive space."

"That might work. Bring me a proposal and a quote I'll sign it before heading out."

As he was getting up, he said,

"Which years were affected?"

"From the 2010 to mid-2019"

He pondered in his mind and said, "Bring me available footage that survived the crash from 2019."

"Ok sir."

Mew went back to his office. It didn't take long until someone was knocking on his door with a file in his hand. He placed the file in front of Mew and he signed it. He was handed a usb containing the footage he requested.

He watched the footage in his office, hoping to see Gulf. He had visited the hotel in 2019. It had been the last time he had seen him.

He remembered the date when Gulf came to the hotel. He searched for the date and he watched the recording play from the morning of that day.

He was about to fast forward it when something caught his attention. He looked at the three people in the video, they looked like two were fighting and one was trying to break the fight. The boy and girl were fighting exchanging an item between them. The item kept on falling on the ground and the third person kept on picking it up and giving it back to the boy. They moved from the hallway going outside and it was at that moment that Gulf came inside the hallway heading to his room. He had missed the three mysterious people.

Mew's curiosity soared to the roof. He looked for more footage of the three people quarrelling, and he saw them outside. It was a perfect view clearer because it was afternoon. The item fell one last time as one of the boys walked away seeming angry. The girl sat down on the ground and covered her face. Mew guessed she was crying and the remaining boy knelt beside her and gave her an embrace of comfort. It was they got up that Mew saw what the item was. He stood up banging his hands on the table.

He was fuming.

How could they do this?

He found answers to a mystery puzzle he wasn't even trying to solve.

AN: What do you think Mew saw in the video? If I can get ten guesses, I'll post the next chapter right away.

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