Chapter 17

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"I'm coming back Nong."

"That's what you always say." Gullf said with a crying voice. 

"Listen to p" Mew said exasperated that he wasn't there to comfort Gulf.

"No p'"

"Babie listen!" Mew screamed in the phone.

That got Gulf's attention.

"I'm coming back after a month. And when I do let's have cleaned up our mess. I'll take care of p'Oat. You take care of Jenny. Is that ok?

"In one month?" Gulf sniffed as he cleaned his teary cheeks.

"Yes in one month."

"When you come back what happens?"

"We take it from where we left" Mew replied softly.

"You promise?" Gulf asked with a small voice

"I do."

"I miss you" Gulf closed his eyes thinking of the man on the phone.

"I miss too..... so much."

"I'll see you soon?"

"I'll see you soon."

Gulf went back home and asked for a private conversation with his father. He talked to his father and let him know that the baby under their roof might not be their blood. He showed his father the evidence he had against Jenny. He said it was not enough. They needed tests to confirm the credibility of the story.

Gulf got his baby's hair and sent them to get DNA test. He was told to wait for three weeks to get the results. His father told him to be patient and accommodate her until the results were back. He too was going to try but it was difficult. Facing her and sharing meals knowing she had lied didn't sit well with them. Gulf's life was greatly affected because of the baby. However, they tried.

True to their word, the results came three weeks later, and Gulf wasn't surprised by them. He went and gave his father the document who called Gulf's mother and let her know what had transpired. She was heartbroken because despite the chaos, she had loved the baby thinking it was her grandchild. She didn't want to be around Jenny not knowing what she would do. She left the matter in the hands of the males. The two males called Jenny one afternoon and sat her down. Gulf's father expressed how disappointed he was in her to have done that to her son. He asked her to pack her things and leave as soon as she could.

Gulf handed her some divorce papers already signed only waiting for her signature. Jenny knew it was all Mew's doing. If only Mew had not found out, then it would have been another story.

She signed the papers right away and gave them back to Gulf.

The last week of the month before Mew came back, Gulf submitted the papers to court. Although it was going to take a few more weeks to settle their divorce, it was under process and he was satisfied.

Mild came to get Jenny and her things. She left their house and went back to her parents' house. Gulf was left feeling empty. They had played house for more than a year. Not having them around especially the baby made him sad. He wanted Mew to come back as soon as possible.

He received a call from Mew letting him know that he was coming back Friday night that he wanted to see him that night. He asked if Gulf could come to his house around 10 pm. He thought he was going to need Gulf after breaking up with Oat. They had a good relationship, Yes, but his heart yearned for Gulf.

Mew planned to see Oat first as soon as he got back. Breaking up with him through the phone was not nice. He got back and Oat received him from the airport. They went to grab dinner because they were both hungry. It was a nice romantic dinner they had. It was too nice to breakup with Oat. He couldn't do that to him when he had prepared this for him. They are their diner and Oat drove to Mew's house.

When they were outside Mew's house, inside Oats car, Mew nervously said,

"P'Oat I have something to tell you."

Oat looked at Mew nervous too and said, "I have something to tell you too but first let's head inside."

They got out of the car and went inside the house.

Before Mew entered the house, he looked around to check if Gulf was coming yet. He checked the time. The time was 9.46 pm. He had to deal with Oat before Gulf comes or it won't be pretty.

He went inside the house and was almost fell startled by the screams.


He looked around wondering what was going on. He saw different faces and even his mother in the room. He looked at Oat's friends and brother. He saw Jenny inside the room and wondered what was going on.

The door opened and Gulf came in. He too was shocked at seeing all these people in a Mew's house. Mew turned as he looked at Oat for answers. 


Mew didn't finish his sentence when he saw Oat going down on one knee, hand reaching inside his blazer pocket. A small black box emerged in Oat's hand and he opened it slowly revealing a manly diamond ring.

He stood there speechless. This was not it. This was not what he had planned

He looked at his mother who looked excited. How she was there troubled Mew. He looked at his mother's friends gushing. He looked and saw some respectable faces in the small crowd.

He looked at Gulf's face full of confusion and hurt. He saw Gulf subtly shake his head.

He wanted to go to Gulf and explain he had no idea what was happening. That he didn't want this but he stood there frozen.

"Nong Mew, I love you so much and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Mew opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

People in the room started urging him to say yes.

He looked at Gulf one more time eyes conveying an apology the mouth couldn't say. Letting him know his hands were tied that he no choice. Gulf got the message and he turned to leave the house. He had just opened the door when he heard Mew say,

"Yes I'll marry you p'"

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