Chapter 18

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He left the house disappointed, hurt and feeling so lonely. Mew had promised him. They had made promises why was he like this suddenly. It didn't sit well with him.

This is what Mew must've felt when he came from Taiwan only to find Gulf married with a baby already. It freaking hurt.

Gulf told himself to forget about what had happened. He felt like the world was against their love. His mind understood but his heart couldn't. It wanted Mew and it was difficult for him to concentrate in school. He thought it was going to be easy now that Jenny and the baby were out of his way but Mew was in his way. He couldn't take it that they had gotten engaged. He felt stuck.

He prayed hard for a solution to his heart. He received the answer to his prayers one day as he was in school going for lunch. He had heard about an event going on for a faculty. He didn't know the details but he saw Oat getting in his car with a pretty looking young man who looked like a lecturer or assistant. He looked as they pulled out of the car park and drove away. Was this the answer he was looking for? He wondered.

He didn't know who to ask about this discovery.

The same day when he was going home after lectures, he saw them come back. They sat in the car for some time. Maybe he had misinterpreted the situation. He was about to walk away when he saw the pretty boy leaning to kiss Oat's cheek. His eyes widened in shock and his heart jumped for joy. He had his answer. Now Mew had a reason to leave Oat. He took out his phone and captured more moments between the cozy couple inside of the car. They got out, embraced each other one last time and Oat left. Now it was his turn to let Mew know. He wouldn't let him go through a loveless marriage like his.

He called Mew the Friday of that week and asked to meet up during lunch time.

They met in a restaurant.

They awkwardly sat on the table.

"I'm sorry" Mew went on first. "I know I promised you, but I didn't know what to do. I felt trapped that night."

"I know. I understand the feeling. I was there before."

"I'm really sorry."

"It's ok p' I have something to tell you."

"Yes, go ahead."

"P'Oat is cheating on you."

"What?" it was unbelievable.

"I saw him with a boy at my school"

"Oh he told me he was planning an event for a faculty at your school. The event was going to be a weeklong."

They were kissing.

Mew stared at Gulf

"He wouldn't do that."

"P' I saw him."

"P' Oat is not someone who would do that."

"So you think I'm lying?"

"Maybe you saw wrong."

"I took pictures."

Mew thought of the night he took pictures of Jenny and her baby daddy. He understood the feeling of being in Gulfs shoes but Oat would never do that to him. He wouldn't.

Gulf brought out his phone and gave it to Mew who took a look. He couldn't see Oat's face in the picture. It was not clear enough.

"I don't know."


"I can't see his face and it doesn't look like it's him."

"Are you defending him now?"

"I'm just saying he is not the type of person to do that to me. I understand where you're coming from Nong but I don't want to disappoint my mother."

"What about me? It's ok to disappoint me?"

"I love you so much. So much more than I love him but I can't leave him right now.

Gulf covered his eyes. "But you promised me. Don't you have to be responsible for that?"

"P is sorry."

Gulf got up feeling pathetic. He shouldn't have bothered.

Mew sat there feeling disappointed in himself. He felt like the universe was playing a push and pull game on him and Gulf. He got up and went to his car.

He was thinking he should pay Oat a visit and see how's doing. It was what he told himself but deep inside he knew what he was doing.

He got at the school just a few minutes after 1pm and asked for directions to the event going on.

He walked until he got to the hall full of students, lecturers and visitors. He looked around and saw an usher.

"Excuse me I'm looking for the event planner P'Oat." 

"Oh he went to P'Nic's office for lunch."

"May I have the directions."

The usher told him the directions and it seemed the office was close by. He walked to the office and before he knocked he saw the windows open. He peeked inside and saw the people inside locked in an embrace.


He looked away.

It couldn't be Oat.

He walked away.

Scared to confirm the truth.

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