Chapter 1

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I couldn't believe it when my parents died. I was so depressed and I didn't know what to do. I still don't, that hasn't changed but I have people with me now, people that I consider my family. The Mikaelsons. Nobody told me how hard it would be but I guess no one knows until you begin the journey you were meant to travel. My name is Katy and this is my story.

Not to start a story of depressing but it all started when my parents died. I couldn't process what was going on until after it was done maybe because I didn't want to. My parents were driving to the movie theater so we could see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, we were driving across Hudson bridge when the car hit us. It came out of nowhere but we went over the side of the bridge into the water. I was drowning and I couldn't feel anything or do anything about it. Until someone pulled me out of the car. I tried to scream for them to get my parents instead of me but I couldn't talk or move, I could barely breathe. So I let them get me out of the car and when I could feel the concrete underneath me I whispered "My parents." to my savior.

"Don't talk Love, save your breath." The person said to me. I could tell he was a man and that he had a slight British accent. I looked around and there were no other cars on the road and the guy that hit us was gone. The man walks back to me and says "I couldn't save them I'm sorry." The only thing I could hear was my screaming everything else was blocked out. I couldn't breathe, and the last thing I remember was the man picking me up and me screaming until I blacked out.

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar home. I jolted upright in the bed to see four people staring back at me. Two girls and two guys. "She's awake, finally." The guy with the British accent from the bridge that saved me said.

"Who are you people, where am I?" I question them.

"Just calm down sweetie, everything's going to be okay." A blonde girl says who has a slight British accent too.

"No it's not okay! Where am I?" I almost yell. Since they didn't answer me I pushed the covers off me and got up. I got about two feet before the man from  the bridge appears in front of me and pushes me down towards the bed gently and kneels in front of me. He looks me in the eyes and says "Sit down, and stay calm you are safe here nothing is going to happen to you." His pupils start dilating and I ask "Hey what's wrong with your eyes?" He looks at the others and says one word "Vervain." then backs up.

"Please I just want to know where my parents are. Please!" I beg them. The blonde comes towards me and says "Your parents didn't make it." I vaguely remember getting this information already so I just sit there and pull my knees to my chest and start crying. The one that saved me from the bridge crouches next to me and says " I'm going to give you a choice. You can have us take you home where you have the rest of your family or you can stay here with us. But before you choose I have to show you something." He steps back and looks at me. He starts growing fangs and the veins around his eyes start getting really defined

"Oh my god." I jump back on the bed. But I am not really afraid of him just curious. They are all staring at me as I ask "What are you?" And stare at him.

"I'm a hybrid love, you see those two?" He points at the other guy and the blonde haired girl. "That is Elijah and the girl is Rebekah they are vampires. and that girl," he points to the brunette "That's Hayley and she is a werewolf." I kind of stare at them for a second

"You're serious aren't you?" I ask him.

"This is the real world love, this is my family, and my name is Klaus."

"I want to stay here." He looks just as surprised as the others do. "This is what I want." I say. All I can think about is my brother and sister but they would just think I died in the wreck too. They would get over it, they would be okay. Klaus looks at me and says 

"I must warn you love this is only the beginning."

Authors Note:

This was a little bit of a long chapter but I just wanted to sort of explain everything that was happening. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I just wanted to let you guys know I will be updating once or twice a week every week. Thanks for reading the first chapter of my FIRST story. The song above is from a car accident scene on the Vampire Diaries and I thought it fit perfectly. See ya next week!

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