Chapter 5

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I had texted Kaylie to hang out knowing she would literally throw whatever she was doing to the ground to help me. I drove one of Klaus's cars over to her house. I get up to the front porch when her mom opens the door and embraces md in a big hug.

"Hey Mrs.Hastings how are you?" I ask.

"Missing my other daughter, where have you been dear?"

"Uh dealing with some stuff." I say and walk inside.

"Alright well you can always talk to me about anything and she's

upstairs." She says.

"Thank you." I reply and head upstairs she knows that I don't have a mom so she tries to offer her motherly services when I need it. I get to Kaylie's room and I immediatley see all the photos if her and I from the past few years. Kaylie gets up off her floor and hugs me "I haven't seen you in like forever." She says and pulls me to the ground with her.

"Kaylie I need to talk to you about something." I say.

"Oh it's getting serious. Okay what do you need to talk about?" She asks.

"So there's this boy-

"Oh my god tell me everything I need to know right now." She says and squels with excitment.

"I was about to when I was interrupted." I say and continue my story. I tell her about Kol and almost everything that happend.

"Oh my god if I had a hot guy living in my house I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off him." She says, I laugh and say "I don't know what to do Kaylie."

"I think that you should do what you feel is right not here" she points to her head "but here" she points to her heart.

"Thanks Kaylie I don't know what I would do without you." I say and give her a hug. We hang out for the next few hours until her mom tells me that Klaus would probably kill me if I didn't get home soon. I finally get home and I go straight to my room because I really didn't want to deal with Kol. I was walking down the stairs to go get food when Kol walked in the door and I turned on my heel and walked right back up the stairs.

"Are you still ignoring me love?" Kol calls up the stairs. "As long as you keep calling me that then yup!" I yell back. I go upstairs to my room and get dressed because I look like crap. I pull on my light skinny jeans, white converse, and oversized red hooded sweatshirt and jewelry. I finish curling my hair and apply my eyeliner when I decided to go visit Hope for bit. I go across the hall to her nursery to find Kol in there, I back up and hide behind the door frame. He picks up Hope, holds her close to him and says

"You're part of this family. Family means everything to me. Always and Forever and since you're family I will protect you with my life. Just as Nik and Elijah nave done for me I will do for you." He puts her down and walks out the side door. I go over to her and do my normal routine, I read my favorite poem to her Do not go so gentle into that good night, then sing my favorite song to her The Hanging Tree by Jennifer Lawrence. I take her over to the rocking chair and sit down and start singing "Are you, Are you coming to the tree? Where they strung up a man they say who murdered three." Then I hold her for another hour until Hayley comes home. She spends the day with the wolves sometimes or is out with the rest of everyone solving the world's problems.

"I see that your teacher didn't come today?" Hayley says standing in the door way.

"No Cami filled in again today but I got it done very fast today." I tell her. "But it was math." She says with a confused look on her face.

"Ha Ha very funny." I say and stick my tongue out at her and we both start laughing.

"Do you want her now?" I ask knowing she'll say yes. She smiles back at me and says "Yes, I barely get to see her anymore and I miss her to death."

"Alright I'll leave you to it." I say my goodbyes and walk out the door and into a very toned chest. I look up to see Kol looking down at me. I back up and start to walk away when he pulls my arm and I turn around.

"Could you let go please?" I ask him. "Not until you accept my apology." He says with a serious look on his face. "I'm sorry I tried to kill you and that baby." His face softens at the mention of Hope. I take my chance and wrench my arm out of his his grasp and start to walk away again. This time he pulls me back again and there is literally no space between us. "Please I am very truly sorry." He look sat me when he says it. I could see it in his eyes that when he said it that he meant it.

"Um." A voice clears their throat and says "Katy?" I look over Kol to see Klaus standing there.

"You have a visitor, I don't know who she is." He says. I look up at Kol and say "Apology accepted." I pull away from Kol and this time he lets me go.

"Thanks Klaus." I say with a nervous smile on my face. I walk down the stairs and I hear Klaus say something to Kol but I couldn't hear them. I step into the living room to see my sister standing there smiling at me.

Authors Note: 

No school today!! Snow day! Hopefully I can update a couple more chapters, cross your fingers.

The outfit at the top is a picture of what Katy was wearing in this chapter and the video is of The Hanging Tree by Jennifer Lawrence the song that Katy sings to Hope from Mockingjay Part 1! Keep Reading for Chapter 6!

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