Chapter 2

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4 years later

"KLAUS!!!!!!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. "WHERE IS MY KINDLE?"
"I DON"T KNOW!" He yells back. This is normally what my morning consists of yelling back and forth to each other for a good 20 minutes. Klaus doesn't let me go to school so I have a home-school teacher. Hayley leans in my doorway and asks
"Can you watch over Hope this afternoon?" I squeal in excitement and say
"Of course I will." She flashes a smile and says
"I knew you would say yes." Hope is Hayley and Klaus's baby she was born a couple of  months ago when a witch tried to take her. It scared all of us. She then turns around to leave but then turns back around and says
"Oh and Elijah wants to see you."

"Uggghhhhhhh!" I go to my walk-in closet and pick out some dark washed skinny jeans, a Teen Wolf tank top paired with my favorite white Keds. Elijah sees me coming down the stairs and scowls at my shirt;. He absolutely hates it when I wear Teen Wolf clothes or even watch the show.

"Elijah you can hate it all you want but it's not going to change anything." I say in a sing-song voice.

"Your teacher will be here soon, make sure she doesn't see Klaus dragging a body through the living room this time." Elijah says. I frown at the memory of the woman screaming through the French Quarter when Klaus chased her down and compelled her.

"With Klaus you never know, I don't schedule his killing time." I tell Elijah.

"You know your right, for once in your life." He says smiling at me.

"Oh ha ha you're so funny Elijah." I say and then stick my tongue out at him. I hear someone knocking on the door which is a little weird the teacher normally walks right in. I raise my eyebrows at Elijah who just shrugs in return. I walk to the door and open it to see a blonde lady staring back at me.

"CAMI!!!!!!!!!" I yell and then basically jump on her.

"Hey Katy it's so good to see you!" She says and hugs me back.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Well your teacher called me today and said that she needed me to fill in for her, that she was sick, and when she gave me the name of the kid I would be teaching I had no choice but to say yes." She says. "I also heard it is your math day today and I just happen to be an expert."

"Ugh math gross." I say, Cami was my therapist after my parents died and she helped me through a lot of stuff Klaus and the others couldn't.

"Well let's get started." She says with excitement laced in her voice.

"Like there should be any excitement in that sentence." I say when I thought she was far enough ahead of me I though she wouldn't hear me but I was wrong she turned around a gave me a pretty scary death glare.

"Okay so the unit rate of the slope is?" Cami asks me.

"Um five?" I randomly guess, I could really use my best friend Kaylie right now.

"Katy if you don't put forth any effort you are never going to get this." She tells me.

"I already don't get this so WHAT'S THE POINT IN EVEN LIVING??" I yell.

"Why don't we stop for today you've already done a lot." Cami tells me.

"Cami that is the first thing you've said that has made sense to me today." I say to her gratefully. We say our goodbyes and then I walk to the middle of the floor and lay down face first.

"Katy what are you doing?" I look up to see Hayley standing over me.

"Oh it must have been math day today." She stated.

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