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Behind the screens

Yunho smiled at his topic. Dancing. He loved dancing and often came up with dances. "Hey sweetie what's the homework your teacher gave you?" Asked Yunhos mom walking in the room. "I got dance!" Said Yunho happily. "That's great. You can try on these new trainers I bought you then" said his mother. "New trainers thanks mom your the best" said Yunho as he happily slipped on the trainer's and looked for a song.

Yeosang sighed as he looked at his messy room. He quickly went on Google and looked up room ideas before grabbing a bin bag to clear up clutter and old toys whilst listening to music.

Jongho grabbed his phone and looked up pictures of pretty gardens before telling his mother about it. She said that's she would order some plants online so he could plant new ones. Jongho smiled and started pulling out the weeds from the ground.

Seonghwa grabbed some of his lamps and reflectors before setting up a mini photoshoot in his room deciding he would take one picture a day. The eldest started rummaging around his wardrobe setting up outfits and laying makeup out incase needed.

Hongjoong reached into his draw and fished out his notebook full of lyric inspirations and started jotting stuff down hoping to help make something out of the notes. His sister walked in and gave him a drink and they chatted for a bit so that neither were bored. His sister fell asleep so he tucked her in to bed and went back to his lyrics.

San opened his arts and crafts box and getting out some beads and stuff ready to make some bracelets. San thought for a second before texting the group chat.
Hey guys what's your favourite colours?







Mines white
What about you Mingi?

Pastel pink 😳

Omg your so adorable

Okay okay enough flirting 😂
San smiled and got out turquoise, blue, red, black, white, purple, pastel pink and green materials ready to make 8 bracelets.

Wooyoung laughed at the group chat and checked his cupboards for ingredients noticing a few missing and adding what he needed to the shopping list. He decided he would make some classic cupcakes and then decorate them cutely.

Mingi gasped as he found a twenty pounds note under his bed. He quickly rushed into the kitchen and saw his mother with a calculator in her hand trying to work out the bills and money. "Mum look I found a twenty pounds note under my bed...we can pay the electrics and get some food in" said Mingi. Mingis mom smiled seeing her son the happiest he had been in a while. "Thanks son. We were fifty pound short so this will help alot." Said his mother. Mingi smiled and put it on the table before running upstairs and lying on his bed thinking of what topic the story could be about.

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