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"I was cutting vegetables and it slipped multiple times and when I realised I had gotten cut I went to the hospital but they thought someone had done it to me so they put me on the trauma ward" said Mingi hoping it sounded truthful enough. "How are the cuts now princess?" Asked Yunho worriedly. "They're healing" said Mingi as he snuggled up to Yunho feeling sleepy. "If your tired then sleep princess" said Yunho as he kissed Mingis forehead. Mingi nodded and fell asleep. The rest watched as Mingi curled up in his sleep latching himself onto Yunho. "How's your ankle baby?" Asked Wooyoung. "Slowly improving" said San as he kissed Wooyoung gently. "So have we finished the project?" Asked Seonghwa.

"There's one left...Mingis story" said Hongjoong as he took a sandwich out the picnic basket. "He said he almost finished it right" said Yeosang. The rest nodded. "What's the story about?" Asked Jongho. "He never said" answered Wooyoung. "Hey baby wanna go for a walk?" Asked Seonghwa. Hongjoong nodded and they stood up and walked off hand in hand. "How are you doing baby?" Asked Seonghwa. "Honestly...not well" said Hongjoong as he started crying. The two sat underneath a tree with Hongjoong straddling Seonghwas lap. "M-my sister is quieter than normal and I'm worried about her. My mother visits him whenever she can but I don't think he's gonna make it. I try to distract myself but sometimes I can't and the reality of everything just scares me. I can't sleep some nights because I'm worried" said Hongjoong as he cried into Seonghwas chest.

"You know you can ring me anytime if you need someone to talk to. I'm sure the doctors are doing their very best for him ok. You've got to have hope. He's most likely fighting his hardest against his conditions to get back to you guys." Said Seonghwa trying to calm his boyfriend down. "Thank you baby" said Hongjoong feeling a bit better now that he had talked to someone about his worries. "No problem baby. If anything happens you call me straight away or come to my house okay" said Seonghwa. Hongjoong nodded and the elder wiped his tears away. "Let's get back to the group" said Seonghwa helping Hongjoong up. The younger nodded and they walked back hand in hand.

When they got back to the group Jongsang were kissing and cuddling so the two assumed that they had gotten together. Yunho had fallen asleep with Mingi still latched onto him. Woosan were making daisy chains for eachother and kissing at random moments. The two smiled and sat down feeding eachother snacks and telling jokes to cheer everyone up. After about three hours the snacks had been eaten. Mingi and Yunho had woken up and eaten a bit and joined in conversation. Mingi seemed happier once he'd had a nap and even started chasing Yeosang around when the elder jokingly started calling him princess. After a while everyone started getting tired again so they decided to pack up and start heading home. They all said goodbye and Seongjoong kissed sweetly, Woosan kissed passionately, Yunho kissed Mingis forehead hugging him tightly.

And Yeosang invited Jongho back to his place. The two walked back hand in hand and went straight to Yeosangs bedroom. "Woah it's so comfy up here and relaxing" said Jongho as he fell onto Yeosangs fluffy bed. Yeosang smiled and straddled his lap. "so babyboy what do you want to do?" Asked Jongho smirking.

*30 minutes later 😉😏*

Yeosang panted as he lay on Jonghos chest. "Get some rest babyboy you look worn out" said Jongho. "Night daddy" said Yeosang as he fell asleep cuddled up to Jongho tired out from their intimate session.

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