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Group chat

I've finished the story

Great can we read it

Yay let's read

Yay my princess finished his story

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*Seen by all*

His secret he never told

The boy frowned as he watched his mother cry. He knew she still missed his father and the little boy knew he should comfort her but he didn't know how. "Mum" said the boy. His mother looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "Hey sweetie" she said gently. "Have we got enough money for bills this week?" Asked the boy. She shook her head and a few seconds later the electrics went out. The boy and his mother were very poor and lockdown had just started meaning his mother couldn't work meaning that no money was coming in the house.

The two spent the next few weeks in the cold and starving. Luckily the boy managed to find £20 under his bed which he gave to his mother. She went out and paid electric and got some food. The boy smiled as he saw the teacher gave them a project. Soon enough a boy named Wooyoung texted him and added him to a group chat. The next day they gave out a bit of the project to each of them. One boy named Yunho kept calling him princess which he couldn't help but blush at. The boy quickly picked to write a story since he loved writing stories. After a while he decided he would write the story about his life. His life wasn't exciting infact it was rather depressing but he hoped they wouldn't mind.

Over the next few weeks he chatted with the boys and got to know them. He could feel himself developing a crush on Yunho but knew he shouldn't considering he didn't deserve someone so beautiful and caring. Seonghwa and Hongjoong started dating with Wooyoung and San doing the same. Jongho and Yeosang always flirted with eachother so they would probably get together soon. However the worst thing happened about a week later. His mother, the last person he had, the one keeping him alive... Died. Of Corona. Since he no longer had any money he had to ask for money from the group chat. Seonghwa let him have £5 which he was grateful for. Unfortunately the elder saw the state he was in and sent Jongho to check on him.

He paid the electric bill and bumped into Jongho on his way out. He said he was fine and quickly ran home even though by now probably no one believed his lies. A few days later they met up at the park. Hongjoong almost got hit by a creepy guy but the boy took it for him enjoying the pain. Everything went fine and the boy made sure to eat as much as he could whilst he was there knowing there was none at home. Luckily his makeup covered his tired eyes which had cried for days and had no sleep along with his thin fragile body. Yunho gave him a hoodie which he was grateful for. At least now he wouldn't be too cold at home.

However when he got home there was no electric so he had to borrow his neighbours internet so he could continue talking to his friends. A few days later and Hongjoong lost his father so we all checked he was okay and he went to Seonghwas who calmed him down. The boy meant it when he told them the story was almost finished because the story was his life. His life was almost finished and so was the story. The boy put down the pen and sent the story to the group chat before heading to the kitchen and grabbing the rope making a loop ready to attach to the ceiling. He knew what he was going to do and he was glad it would finally be over. At least now he could be with his parents.

If your reading this then it's too late I'll be gone. I love you all and I'm grateful for you guys helping to make my last few weeks here memorable. Yunho...you deserve so much better then me and I know one day you'll find someone that will love you the way you deserve.

I'm sorry


Love Mingi.❤️

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