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After a few weeks Mingi woke up and Yunho made sure he was the first one in. "Hey princess how are you feeling?" Asked Yunho as he kissed Mingi on the forehead. Mingi tried to speak but nothing came out. Yunho ran to get a doctor and they said that his vocal cords had been damaged and therefore he wouldn't be able to speak until they recovered. Yunho held Mingis hand to calm him down and remembered what his mom had said. "Princess when you get out of here I want you to come and live with me okay. I'm not letting you go back to your apartment" said Yunho. Mingi nodded and did a finger heart. "Love you too baby" said Yunho as he kissed Mingi gently on the lips. Mingi kissed back gently and when they pulled apart Mingi made another finger heart.

When the rest arrived Yunho explained that he couldn't speak so Jongho went and fetched something he could write with. Jongho came back with a whiteboard and pen and passed it to Mingi. Mingi shakily wrote

I'm sorry

And showed them. They all hugged him and reassured him that it's going to be ok. They all chatted for a bit with Mingi using the whiteboard. After a while Mingi asked

When can I leave?

Yeosang went to get the doctor. The doctor did a few checks and rewrapped Mingis wrists which were from selfharming which almost had the boys in tears before filling out a discharge sheet. Mingi got changed and Yunho helped him off the bed. They all walked outside and said goodbye before promising to visit. Yunho helped him into his mom's car making sure he was ok. Mingi cuddled up to Yunho the whole journey home but Yunho didn't mind. When they got back Yunho showed Mingi around the house and introduced him properly to his parents. Soon Mingi yawned so Yunho took him to the bedroom. "Sleep?" Asked Yunho. Mingi  nodded and climbed into bed. Yunho kissed his forehead and said goodnight but Mingi pouted and patted the space beside him.

Yunho smiled and climbed I'm holding Mingi close making him feel protected and safe. "Goodnight baby" said Yunho. Mingi couldn't speak so he just kissed Yunho gently and cuddled up to him falling asleep. Yunho smiled as he watched him sleep peacefully but frowned as he realised that if they had been any later he could have died. "I promise I'll protect you" said Yunho before falling asleep. Mingi smiled as he heard the elder before falling asleep properly this time.

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