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Jongho looked at the group chat in horror. He was the closest to Mingis apartment so he quickly got his shoes on and ran as fast as he could to Mingis place. Just as he arrived a car pulled up with a crying Yunho bursting out and running up to Jongho. The two ran in the block of apartments and ran to Mingis place. They banged on the door and tried kicking it down. Soon an elderly neighbor came out. "What's going on?" Asked the lady. "He's going to hang himself we need to get in please" said Yunho as he broke down banging on the door. "Oh my goodness. Here I have a spare key. " Said the lady. Jongho rushed over and took the key from her hurrying to unlock the door. The lady rang and ambulance as Jongho got the door open.

"Mingi" shouted Yunho as they entered the apartment. It was cold, dark, gloomy and depressing. They ran into the living room and found Mingi hanging from some rope. Jongho quickly pushed the sofa over underneath as they climbed ontop and unhooked him from the rope. Yunho placed him gently down on the floor and cradled him as he cried his heart out. Soon Wooyoung and Yeosang came rushing in. "CPR" shouted Yeosang as he came in. Jongho immediately started doing compressions on Mingis chest. Yunho got the signal from Jongho and gave the younger mouth to mouth. Soon sirens were heard outside and Wooyoung ran to fetch them. Yeosang hugged the elderly lady to calm them both down.

Soon the ambulance people came in and took over. Yunho fell into Jonghos arms crying as he watched Mingi being hooked up to machines and placed on a stretcher. The ambulance people rushed him to hospital with Yunho staying with him. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San were already at the hospital and Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho were following behind the ambulance. As soon as they got to the hospital Mingi was rushed to A&E (Accident & Emergency). The seven boys were took to the relatives room to wait for news on Mingis condition. Seonghwa had to take Hongjoong out for some air because he still wasn't confident going near the hospital that failed to save his father. Yunho decided to ring his mother and update her on the situation.

*On the phone*
Y: Eomma

M: Hey sweetheart how is he?

Y: We don't know yet but he was took straight to A&E.

M: I'm sure he'll be ok. What happened?

Y: Jongho and I got inside and found him in the living room... He hung himself...so w-we got him down and a a-ambulance arrived...his place was so dark a-and cold and gloomy

M: Well how about once he is better and allowed home from hospital he can come and live with us

Y: Really Eomma?

M: Of course he will probably be my future son-in-law anyways

Y: Thank you so much Eomma I'll tell him when I see him
*End of call*

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