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English is not my mother tongue. So please feel free to let me know if you spot any mistakes💜🐼


In the dead of night, the forest exudes a special atmosphere; an aroma of damp moss and October slush fills the air, and fog blankets the landscape like a layer of cotton wool, absorbing any sounds. Encircled by this bewitching nightmare, a frightened and lost mongrel is wandering. Sticky dirt has clung to the dog's paws, hindering its movement. It looks to be extremely weak, as if it is close to death. Nevertheless, it keeps on its wearisome path.

Exhausted, the dog decided to take a break and plopped down beside a dilapidated tree, paying attention to the surrounding noises. A distant howling of a wolf was heard, followed by the snapping of twigs and the sound of approaching footsteps.

At once, the dog jumped up to its feet and, springing over the fallen tree, fled away once more.

17 years ago

The lost roadway that leads to a small town. A woman, stricken with panic, was hugging a tiny, curled-up blanket close to her chest. Her snow-white wings are tainted with scarlet blood.

"She's got to be here somewhere!" A loud, deep male voice echoed from far away.

The woman quickly scanned her surroundings and approached a vibrant road sign that read 'Welcome to Woodlost!'. The panic loosened its grip, and she was able to regain her self-control. Exhaling a weary sigh, she places a curled-up blanket near the sign and casts her gaze around the area again.

Her eyes locked with the child's expressive gray-blue eyes as she said in a low voice, "I love you so much. Never forget this, alright?"

She tenderly placed a gentle kiss on the baby's small forehead.

"She couldn't fly far!" The voice was heard once more, but this time much closer.

Uncontrollable wild fear caused the woman's reddened eyes to brim with tears. She fidgeted anxiously, glancing around.

"Farewell," she softly murmured for last before dashed to the place of the voices.

After fleeing away from the child, the woman looked around once more and encountered the stares of her chasers. They were wearing light-hued clothing and had snow-white wings on their backs. Lifting her hands in a gesture of defeat, the woman closed her eyes in utter hopelessness.

The first light of day was emerging, and the darkness was vanishing, indicating that the entire night had passed. Cars going by paid no mind to the welcome sign. Little did they know, somewhere under that thing was a little human in desperate need of someone's help. The newborn was one-on-one with this terrifying world. It looked like the end was approaching for this tiny life, with no one coming to the rescue. However, just like in all good fairy tales, a miracle took place, and the child's ears were blessed with the sound of voices.

"Ben, hurry over here! There's a baby!" The woman's words burst out of her in a state of hysteria.

Present days

Breathe in, breathe out. The young girl was struggling to catch her breath. The fiery feeling in her chest pleaded for her to stop. The perspiration had turned her caramel blonde hair into a sticky mess; her legs felt like they were made of jelly; her knees trembled; and her temples pounded with blood. Breathe in, breathe out. The pain started to fade away, making room for thoughts to emerge.

The girl was feeling increasingly disheartened as the path to the house was rapidly getting shorter. Because the act of running in the morning was her go-to method for relaxation and easing any tension she may have had. And the booming music in the headphones drowned out all unwanted thoughts, which were numerous in quantity.

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